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"Ziva, what have you got?" Gibbs walks into the bullpen, a cup of coffee in his hand.

Tony and Laura break out of their discussion after Gibbs sends them a stern look, and gestures for Ziva to begin. She pulls out the remote, starting to show pictures of the dead petty officer.

"Michael Willis, 56 years old, he retired a year ago from the navy. According to his son, Mark, he hasn't had any enemies, but when McGee pulled up some records it showed something else. He had a warning for assaulting a commanding officer, after he assigned him to a post that he didn't like."

The screen shows up a picture of said paper. "The commanding officer, his name is Martin Ducan, 67, he lives in Quantico, and we have also already checked out his alibi, it's waterproof, he is in Florida at the moment."

Gibbs crosses his arms in front of his chest. "Does Willis have a police record, has something recently come up?"

Shaking her head Ziva puts a piece of hair behind her ear. "No, at least nothing on paper."

"What about his wife, has she said anything?" He continues, looking at Ziva.

"I haven't reached her yet, his son, Mark, said that she is probably in the hospital right now, getting her checkup. He said that she broke her finger while trying to build up a drawer."

"Did Mark say when she'll be back?" Gibbs asks looking at the screen.

"She should be back home in the next half an hour." Ziva answers after checking the time.

"Good, Ziva, Tony meet her there, McGee, Laura find me something on Petty Officer Willis." Gibbs says, before sitting down at his desk, putting on his glasses and turning out the team.

Tony and Ziva share a look before both of them grab their coats, and walk to the elevator.

"Seems like it's just us now Tim." Laura says, smiling at McGee. Looking back at her smiling he nods. "As always then."

Pointing at him Laura clicks her tongue, before sitting down at her desk.

After about an hour of searching for dirt under Wills' shoes, Laura's phone starts to vibrate.

Face falling when she sees that JJ has texted her, she opens the message.

'Can you come outside for a second?'

Thinking for a moment she weights both sides of what would be the worst that could happen. Quickly deciding to just go, she text JJ back.

'Be right there'

Looking up, she sees that Gibbs is gone, once again. Looking at McGee, she gets up walking over to him. "Hey, I'll be right back, ok?"

Furrowing his eyebrows, Tim nods his head. "Okay."

Grabbing her coat, Laura rushes towards the elevator, pressing the button to take her to the car park.

Jogging out of the elevator, out of the building, Laura bites the inside of her cheek, nervously looking at JJ. "Hey, what's up?"

Shaking her head, the blonde leans against her car, fidgeting with her fingers nervously. "I wanted to talk to you."

Nodding, Laura furrows her eyebrows, not expecting JJ to want to talk to her again. "Sure."

"I have a case, and I just don't want to leave this, like we did. I know that you have a case that you have to get back to, but I just wanted to talk about what happened, before I have to go." JJ states, putting her hands in her front pocket, looking nervously at the brunette.

"Okay." She nods understanding. "I get it, we both need a clear head in our job."

"Yeah." JJ nods. "I'm sorry for reacting the way I did, it wasn't fair to you, I should have said something." She gestures widely with her hands.

Kicking some little stones with her foot, Laura looks at JJ almost emotionless. "It's alright, it was my fault, I didn't think about what I was saying, I should have thought about how you may feel."

"Laura, it's not your fault. I like you, but-" JJ stops trying to find the right words. "I just can't, I don't-"

The blonde stops, running a hand through her hair. Laura watches her intensely,  trying to ignore the heaviest feeling in her chest.

"Laura, I need time. I have to think about this, about us. I am not used to this, it's so much. But I don't want to leave when I know that I messed up."

"JJ, it's fine really, you didn't mess up." Laura gulps." I understand, really. You don't have to feel bad, I caught you off, guard you didn't know what to say, or how to react, it's not your fault, really."

JJ looks up from her feet, tear lightly start to fill in both women's eyes. "I don't want to lose you, I just, I have to think."

"Take all the time you need. Just know I wait for you." Smiles Laura sadly. Nodding JJ opens the back door of her car, pulling out a food bag, with the leftovers from their lunch.

"I also brought you this, as some kind of apology." Laura reaches for the box, smiling at JJ softly. "Thanks." She mutters, nodding.

Throwing a sad smile her way, JJ gets inside her car, starting the engine and driving off.

Watching after her, Laura sees Tony approach out of the corner of her eye. "That was JJ, wasn't it?"

Nodding, she looks at her brother sadly. "Yeah."

He puts a arm around her shoulder, together watching the place where JJ just drove off from.

"It's gonna be alright, sis." Tony whispers. Nodding, Laura clenched her jaw holding her emotions inside. "I hope."

Looking down at her, Tony's face falls at his sisters, pulling her in a tight hug, and puts his chin on top of her head. "You're gonna be alright, I promise." He mutters.

Gripping his jacket, with her free hand, Laura just nods, both letting go of each other after a few moments.

He grabs the box with food from her, and pulls her back to the building, after he sees that she has calmed down.

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