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"So, your mom had to leave yesterday for work?" Mio asked, as you, her, and Yuki walked to your house.

It was now the day before the beach trip. Mio and Yuki were staying over at your house since you didn't really want to be alone while she was gone. It wasn't that hard to convince them to stay with you though.

You nodded. "Yeah. Just journalist things. Apparently for her company, they asked her to go to Tokyo and run by one of their works by someone else. And that's supposed to take about five days to get through, so she won't come back until Monday."

"I'm so glad Monday is a staff work day! I needed a break from school" Yuki smiled.

You nodded. "So, what buses are you guys on? It's classified by which class, right?"

Yuki nodded. "Yup. I got both twins on my bus."

Mio pouted. "I got no one I know on my bus. Well, I know them, but I don't talk to them much."


"SAME" Mio shouted as well. "WE COULD ALL SIT BY EACH OTHER THEN-"

"Gosh, will you both be quiet?" Yuki asked. "We're in a neighborhood, not some cliff where you can yell all you want."

You covered your mouth. "Sorry. I'm just really excited for tomorrow!"

"I know what you mean!" Mio laughed.

All three of you made it to your doorstep and when you opened the door, you could see Amaya sleeping on one of the steps towards the top of the staircase.

"Sweet kitty" You said, walking over to grab her. "I won't be able to see you for a lot of tomorrow!"

Yuki smiled. "You'll smell like the beach when you get home."

You nodded. "I know that right when I get home tomorrow, I've got to shower."


"how much do you have in your bag?" Suna asked, peering in as you searched through to pull out your sunscreen.

"I have my towel, my camera, an extra camera battery, my sunscreen, an extra charger, a few scrunchies, an extra spare of clothes since right now I'm just wearing my swimsuit and shorts and... that's about it. Oh! And my wallet and water bottle"

Suna raised an eyebrow. "I just brought my phone, towel, and wallet"

You opened up the sunscreen bottle and put a little into your hand. "I like to be prepared."

You put the sunscreen bottle down and started spreading the sunscreen in your hand onto your face. Once you finished, you put a little bit more on the tip of your finger and wiped it onto the tip of Suna's nose.

"Hey, why'd you do that?" He asked, now having to wipe it all over his face. "It looked like I had bird shit on my face or something."

"Well, you're going to get sun burnt."

Suna rolled his eyes. "We're almost there."

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