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"A date with Y/n later?" Osamu asked.

Suna nodded, throwing the ball at him. "We're going ice skating and stuff."

"Sounds exciting."

"Sure does. Since when did you get all interested in mine and her relationship?" Suna asked.

Osamu shrugged. "Nothing else interesting is happening, so I want to know what going on with others."


Osamu and Suna then followed Atsumu out and into their club room.

"Couldn't help but overhear you have a date with your girlfriend" Atsumu sang.

"Yeah, I do. That's all you're hearing."

"Tch. Fine. Yer gonna regret it when I keep pestering you"

"Am not."

"Are too!"




"Have you guys noticed Mio acting a little differently?" Osamu asked, stopping the exchanges of "Not's" and "Are's".

Atsumu thought for a second then nodded. "Yeah, she has been acting a little different."

"How so?" Suna asked.

"She's becoming more distant. At least, that's what I thought."

Suna raised an eyebrow. "Strange. You guys could talk to her about it, right?"

"I mean, yeah, but you could too" Osamu said.

"Me? I'm not as close with her, though."

"But you're still her friend."

Suna shrugged. "I'll ask Y/n to talk to her. They're best friends, after all."

He closed his locker and walked out since he was done getting dressed into his uniform.

"Say hi to Y/n for me!" Atsumu waved.

Suna smiled. "No!"

"What're you yelling no for?" Kita asked, walking into the club room.

"Just Atsumu being himself. Practice after school?"

"Yes, be there. We need to train for Nationals."

Suna nodded and continued walking towards the front of the school where the shoe lockers were. Once he got there, he saw you there changing your shoes.

"Hello m'lady" He said, walking past you to his shoe locker, which was nearby.

You smiled. "Hi."

"Hey, the twins were wondering if Ito's been okay. Something about her being distant."

You nodded. "Yeah, she has been kind of distant. Not even talking to me or Yuki much unless you and the twins are around. I'll talk to her, I saw her walk in a little while ago."

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