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Just as Osamu had suggested, Suna waited for days to confront you about the problem.

During class, you wouldn't even dare to glance at each other, knowing the other would be looking once you did.

As class went on though, Suna would be half asleep taking every chance he could to look at you. Your blank face that he used to see smile everyday. It was like you were the definition of seasonal depression.

Of course, he said hi to Mio every once in a while and had small conversations while checking up on her to see if she was well. It always ended with an awkward shuffle and Suna would leave first.

Now, it was Thursday. Two days before you left Canada. Aka, December 20th.

It seemed like you would spend your lunches alone in the classroom or just go out to stare at the koi fish in the small pond near the school.

Only sometimes you would come by to see Atsumu and Osamu, but once you saw Suna you'd leave. And of course, you and Yuki were on no speaking terms as well and Mio was still acting weird towards you.

Once the bell rang to dismiss everyone, Suna got up and went to the gym as fast as he could, trying not to get any awkward moments with you on the way.

As he walked though, he felt someone tap his shoulder as he was halfway down the steps.

He turned to see the dark purpled haired girl herself, Yuki, standing behind him.

"We need to talk, Suna" she said.

"I've got practice-"

"Nope, now" she said, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him towards one of the quieter corners of the school.

Suna looked out the window at the gym and sighed. "What? I don't have all day."

"And I don't either yet here we are. So, tell me, what's going on between you and Y/n?"

"Ask her, she's your friend."

"Remember what happened about two weeks ago? Yeah, we haven't spoken since.. so, are you going to tell me?"

Suna turned out the window again at the snow and sighed. "We're taking a break right now. That's all."

"So that's why she won't even dare look at you? I know it's something more than a break. Come on, spit it out."

"Didn't you just say you guys are like.. not friends? Or not on talking terms? Why do you care so much?"

"Just because of one fight doesn't mean I'll stop caring about her. Now tell me, I have a bad feeling about it. It has to do with Mio, doesn't it?" Yuki asked, digging a finger at Suna's chest, making it hurt.

He quickly swatted her finger away, annoyed. "How'd you know it was Ito?"

"I was right... she's off, Suna. Stop talking to her. For Y/n's sake. If you want the break to stop, then stop talking to that girl first."

"I thought you guys were like best friends?"

"We were, but ever since I had my photo shoot in October she's been acting weird... and I've gotten a really bad feeling about her lately too"

Photography Dreams | Suna x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now