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"Dougie, hype me up" Atsumu said, as he playfully danced waiting for everyone to finish cleaning up after practice.

It had been a week since your beach trip, meaning that you'd be leaving to Canada in the next couple days.

"You're so weird" you remarked.

Atsumu rolled his eyes. "I won't miss you when you leave to Canada"

"And I won't miss you either"

"Atsumu, be nice" Kita scolded, lowering the net.

"WHAT?" Atsumu shouted. "I was-"

"Shut up, you're annoying everyone" Osamu said, slapping the back of Atsumu's head.

You laughed a little bit and Atsumu just gave you a dirty look.

"Where's your boyfriend anyway?"

"Boyfriend?" You asked. "I don't have a boyfriend"

"Y/n, we all know what happened the weekend after the beach trip" Osamu replied, smiling slightly. "Got caught in 4K"


It was already the next morning. You and Suna had stayed up all night watching movies since you couldn't sleep. He ended up falling asleep mid-way through the first one though.

You heard your doorbell ringing repeatedly so you slowly got out of Suna's embrace, trying not to wake him up.

When you got downstairs and opened the door, Atsumu, Yuki, and Mio were there.

"WOAH! Are you okay? You don't look too good?" Yuki exclaimed, immediately feeling your forehead.

You smiled slightly and shook your head. "I'm fine. Ish... what're you guys doing here?"

"Apparently these two said your mom was on a work trip so they dragged me over here to keep you company" Atsumu replied.

Mio nodded. "Yup! Osamu isn't here because Kita needed him for something and we couldn't get a hold of Suna-"

"Y/n, who's at the door?" Suna asked, walking sleepily down the stairs. "I'm still tired ya-"

You turned around at Suna who stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Mio, Yuki, and Atsumu all staring at the both of you.

They stood there wide eyed and Atsumu started laughing.

"UM- I think we came at a wrong time?" Mio nervously laughed. "We'll leave you to it!"

"Wait! It's not like that-" you called out, but Yuki also smiled.

"I think you two should have some alone time too. We'll come back later" Yuki waved.

Atsumu just stood there a little surprised still, but also laughing. "Damn, you guys definitely hooked up after the beach-"

"DAMN YOU, MIYA!" Suna yelled, about to chase him away.

Atsumu just smiled, shook his head, and left as well. You held back Suna and closed the door.

"Did they think we fucked or something?" You asked.

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