Chapter 59

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“We’re coming up to Logan,” Bubba announced over the radio, “Let’s stop up ahead in that church parking lot on the right. It looks deserted.”

After the vehicles had all parked, and the group gathered around Earl’s Jeep, Bubba pulled out his map and spread it across the hood of the vehicle. “Here’s Salt Lake City.” He pointed to the map, and then slid his finger up a few inches. “We’re just outside of Logan, here. Near Mantua.” This last group we’ll be sheltering with are the Zombie Preppers, or Z Prep, for short.” Bubba paused for a moment to weigh whether or not to share additional insights about the group, then added, “Be very careful with what you say around them. At least some of their members may be anarchists, or worse.”

“Right. Don’t mention anything about any of us being with the Government, and don’t discuss the ramps,” added Simon. “When we get to their compound to the southwest of here, given what we’ve been told about this group, I suggest that just one car actually go up to meet with them,” announced Simon to the group. “The rest should hang back until we signal it’s clear to come up.” Simon said. “Bubba, since you’ve been in contact with them, you and I should take the lead.”

“Yeah,” Bubba agreed, uneasily. He marveled that he had not seen Simon betray the least bit of fear the entire trip, and wondered if there was more to him than he had let on. He remembered the FBI credentials that Simon had flashed, but hadn’t he mentioned being with a different part of the Government before?

“Tyler, why don’t you go ride with Earl, and we’ll take the Explorer to the compound.” Tyler quickly complied, before Simon could change his mind, visibly relieved.

☣ ☣ ☣

The compound of the Zombie Preppers seemed completely out of place nestled among the mountains of the Bear River Range running through eastern Utah and Idaho. The compound looked like a castle that could have been plucked from the moors and hollows of England or Scotland. The walls were largely stone, and were stacked at least twenty feet high in places, complete with ramparts. A very solid-looking wooden door, large enough to drive a tractor-trailer rig through, blocked the entrance. It sat in the middle of a large clearing in the woods. The Zombie Preppers had created a clear line of sight of at least a hundred yards in every direction.

As the convoy of vehicles arrived at the clearing, Bubba, driving the lead vehicle, stopped and got out. The others soon followed, and gathered around him.

Simon pulled the Explorer in front, and Bubba climbed into the passenger seat. “Wish us luck,” Bubba mumbled to no one in particular.

The Explorer drove slowly up towards the massive wooden door. When it was within fifty feet, a gunshot rang out, and a small explosion of dirt erupted in front of the vehicle. Simon stopped the car, turned off the engine, and stepped out slowly, taking great care to keep his empty hands in plain view of the compound. Bubba did the same. He looked up to the top of the wall, and could just make out the heads of seven or eight people. “It’s Bubba from the Z Contingency,” he bellowed up to the people on the wall. “I’ve been speaking to your leaders over the Ham. You were expecting us.” He stopped, and the two men waited expectantly, watching the top of the wall of the Z Prep compound.

The heads could be seen moving around, sometimes one would disappear, only to be replaced by another. A few minutes later, a voice shouted back down from the wall. “This is Zeke. I’m the one you’ve been talking to.” He turned and looked briefly at someone or something behind him. “Things have changed since we first agreed to shelter you for a night,” he added in a slightly apologetic tone. “We heard chatter that you had run-ins with at least one group of zombies, and we don’t want to take the chance that you might be infected.”

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