Chapter 74

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They're going to track her down. They're going to find us, and probably soon. Why did we take her?

She was working with them. She was working against us.

But she'll bring them here.

So we'll be ready for them. We don't have much time left any more, anyway. We'll take out as many of them as we can.

Can we get the drone fixed and spray them down with what's left of the virus?

No. No time left. We'll have to do it the old fashioned way.

The C-4?

Yes. The C-4. It's a good thing we rigged up a good amount of those plastic explosives into this vest earlier. When they come, all we have to do is hold down this dead man's switch, and arm the circuit. When they get close enough. we just have to let go of the button, and it will all be over.

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