Chapter 13

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  • Dedicado a Eve Paludan

Well, if it isn’t just one piece of great news after another. First I get the furlough notice, and then I hear from the new doc that I have advanced lymphoma.

That worthless quack at the Veteran’s Administration. I’ve been telling him for years about the symptoms I’ve been experiencing, but noooo. He says it’s just the flu, or work-related stress, or some other load of crap he thinks of.

He just didn’t want to run the expensive tests on me.

Or maybe he knows it was the government that gave me cancer.

Must have been back when I was in Iraq; those C-130s flew over our position. I know they were spraying out something over my position more than once.

That must have been it. I can’t believe I had to go and pay for another doctor out of my own pocket to find out I’ve got this.

If that VA quack had just run the tests on me back when I first went to him, they might have been able to catch it sooner. But now it’s spread everywhere.

Doc says there’s no way to treat it anymore. He can only give me meds for the pain.

How am I supposed to afford them? They’re not fully covered, and they’re expensive. The furlough’s going to take money out of my pocket too.

Probably another part of the Government’s plan to screw me.

It’s not fair. Everything is going against me.

The Z ContingencyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora