Chapter 15

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I'm really tired today. Doc says I've got less than a year left. Everything I've been reading suggests it's going to be a slow, painful death.

I'm not going to wait for my bones to disintegrate, and be screaming for morphine or begging for someone to put me out of my misery.

A bullet in the head will be quick and painless....

If I have to go out, I should go my own way.

My own way...?

But, why should I go out by myself?

What about that worthless doctor who put me in this situation?

Yeah, and let's not forget that it was the Government who gave this to me in the first place.

I should sue them.

But what good would that do? I'll be dead before I'll ever see any money. And what would I do with the money anyway.  Rich and dead is still dead.

They left me without any choices.


Or did they?

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