Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Simon Parker

What's with the boss today? He chews me out for nothing, and then threatens to fire me?

So I missed one lousy step in the sterilization protocol.

Everybody knows that's a load of crap. There are way too many redundant steps. It's like a belt and suspenders, plus an extra set of each.

He's probably still going to bring it up when my performance review comes.

He's just pissed because he can't get laid.

It's not like that's my fault.

Hell, I m not either, but you don't see me chewing people out over it....

Man, I'd love to get busy with that new tech in the flu lab.

What was her name, again?

Some sorority girl kind of name. Buffy? Stephanie? Maybe is was Leslie. Yeah, I think it was Leslie.

She probably won't even acknowledge my existence.

Screw her.

Screw them all.

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