Chapter 62

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Sanchez entered the briefing room where her tactical team was assembled.

“Our subject took the bait on the cure. He’s willing to meet us in Hamilton, Montana in fourteen days. I’ve alerted other agents as well as personnel on site, and we will rendezvous in Hamilton before he arrives. The subject is armed and very dangerous and is in possession of a highly contagious viral agent. Agent Zaine will meet us at the rendezvous point where we’ll discuss specifics of the plan to capture the target alive. To make matters worse, there are reports of infected people attacking the non-infected population so we may be forced to deal with a number of situations on our route. Details are included in your briefing packages. We’ll leave for Hamilton in two hours. Prepare your weapons and your gear.”

Agent Sanchez checked and cleaned her Sig Sauer M11 before loading her two extra magazines with 9mm Parabellum rounds. Recalling the error with the sizing of her biosuit from the last mission, she meticulously checked her equipment before packing the duffel bags and loading them onto the vehicles. So far, the mission was progressing well. The hard part was making contact with the subject and getting him to agree to meet. She was certain they would capture him now. It was only a matter of time. When this is all over, I’ll have to thank Agent Zaine for giving me the opportunity to take point on this mission.

The Z ContingencyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora