Chapter 23

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These radio controlled drone things are great. I’ll just swap out the standard RC gear with some good stuff from my airplane gear, and I can fly this baby from a mile away. I can use the forward-facing camera to see where it’s going.

Let’s see, what do I still need to do?

Need to secure the miniature pump in place…. Done. Should I add another servo to activate it...? Nah, I’ll just wire it directly to the receiver. That should work fine, and it’ll save some weight….

Next, tighten the hose clamps between the pump to the aerosol spray head.... Adjust it for a wide spray pattern.... Make sure the hose clamp around the needle that goes into the vial is nice and tight. I wouldn’t want that to leak on me.... I’ll need something to hold the vial in place, too. Maybe that clip for holding batteries - where did that go? Ah, here it is. That should do the trick.

Now, where to mount the unit? Maybe I can use that downward-facing camera housing to hide the dispersal unit. They’ll just think this thing is capturing video of the events.

But, am I going to see my targets?

I can strap the dispersal unit next to the down camera instead. I’ll paint it black like the housing. No way they’ll notice it when it’s flying above them.

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I wonder if I should put one of those signs for the local news station on it too....

There! The last wire has been soldered in place. Servo’s adjusted to the dispersal mechanism.

Make sure the transmitter and receiver are set on the same channel... and off we go. Let’s see how well she handles. Time for a test flight.

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