Chapter 71

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Well, well, well. If it isn't Doctor Natalie Wyler.

We certainly have to admit that you look much better up close all tied up like that than you ever did back at the office. Hope you don't squirm around too much and set off those explosives under your chair. That'll spoil the view for us real fast.

Now what are you doing here? Were you here to help those CIA types trap me?

Maybe you were involved with creating this virus like our good friend Dr. Ecks, hmm?

They're probably going to come looking for you soon. We won't have time to fix the drone and spray them. We're going to have to do something else.

It's almost over for us anyway. Maybe we should go out in a big bang. Take them all out with us. You too Dr. Wyler. Pity you decided to turn against us. You used to be nice.

Now to make good use of the rest of the C-4 and finish setting up those booby traps around the site, and maybe make a vest and trigger for myself.

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