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Hey, hey hey!

I'm going to put some of my chapter comments at the top...just so if people choose to read them they don't miss them.

Hope everyone has a blessed week!


For the last time Talia, I don't know anyone. A holiday with people I don't know, are you serious?" Addelyn groaned down the phone.

She was in the middle of folding her work clothes into piles to place in the wardrobe. It was a Saturday, so she had the day off both modelling and her regular 9-5. Talia had wanted to meet for coffee later, so this was her regular prenup phone call before the actual occasion.

"You literally know me" she stated.

Addelyn laughed. She could sense Talia's facial expressions even over the phone. She knew her friend well enough to know right now she was rolling her eyes and smiling slightly at the comment.

"If you didn't tell me, I'd have forgotten I even knew you" Addelyn laughed back to her "besides, what fun would I bring to a holiday full of lads?"

"I mean, you can drink a hella lot when you want to, and you're good fun when you're unhinged. The boys had a spare ticket because someone bailed and I insisted Simon take the ticket so I could give it you. I had to give him a foot massage each day for a week" Talia gasped "a whole week for that ticket and you're saying no? I'm appalled"

"You're guilt tripping me Tals" Addelyn laughed at her friends expressions "I can pay for it if you wait until my wage comes in"

"Did you just miss the part where I said it was free?"

"I still want to pay my own way"

"Buy me a drink when we're over there or pay for therapy. Simon's toes are disgusting, they make me shudder" Talia exclaimed.

"I still feel uneasy coming onto a holiday with randoms" Addelyn explained.

When her clothes were away she sat herself in front of the mirror, placing her phone beside her placidly. "Curled or straight Tals"

"You're going all out Hm" Talia murmured down the phone teasing her "curled, it looks peng curled"

"That word is hideous"

"You're hideous"

"You were meant to be filming a video with me half hour ago" Addelyn heard Simon's distinct voice through the phone.

"I'm on the phone to Adds, say hi Si"

"Hey Tate, thought you'd dropped off map, haven't seen you for a while"

"Works been kind of busy" she explained "why you call me by my last name when my first name is so beautiful I don't know" she carried on joking with him.

When Talia and Addelyn met back at a modelling shoot just over 3 years ago both Simon and Talia were in the early stages of their relationship. So Addelyn had been around during the full stage of them kindling into what they became, so Simon had along the way become a close friend to her just like Talia had, however Simon still was someone who she'd see at the flat occasionally. The three rarely went out together, Addelyn claiming she felt like too much of a third wheel, so Talia and herself kept the friendship separate on nights out and spent time together individually, seeing Simon at the flat if he was home. JJ had not long after involved himself into the friendship and the two spoke occasionally, on Dm if she posted something that he found funny or amusing.

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