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"I'm so glad I decided to stop earlier" Josh sighed in content as he sat beside Freya on an armchair "everyone looks fucked"

"I for one can back that's how I feel" Harry groaned rubbing his temple ferociously "I've been drinking water for hours now, I'm having a mare. I'm telling ya lads I've been shagged"

"Woah, woah Harry. You need to stop making these new innuendos" Freezy laughed, unsure at his friends previous comment "starting to sound a little like a batter for the other team"

"Fuck off Freezy. I swear you try cuddle me on live streams" Harry protested waving his arms.

"Alright, alright stop flirting" Freezy winked back before he joined Harry on the sofa "the girls nearly ready?"

"I honestly couldn't care less"

"Little bit of a harsh one Harold" Freya shot dirty looks at him "it's a first night. I'm not making too much effort. Don't want to ruin nice clothes"

"Good of your girl to accept she's gonna get shit faced Josh, proud of her"

"So am I lad" Josh laughed humbly "millwallll"

"Both in hospital beds, romance novel or what" Freezy clutched his heart playfully "get married already you fuckin losers"

"I'm done" Talia came down the staircase quickly, holding onto the bannister in her heels.

The dress was a plain bodycon black sleeveless, Emily scampered on her hip like a skin tag. She had chosen a burgundy dress along the same style.

How did so many girls have the same style of clothes? Harry questioned inwardly. other than sidemen merch the boys were quite individual with their clothing. Maybe not Ethan. He was too into the latest trends to be Individual.

"Amazed by your effort bro" Simon chuckled directing the insult towards Harry himself.

It was a fair comment really and he shrugged it off easily. He hadn't made much effort in his outfit today, he was sure he'd be home rather early tonight and according to the lads they were also wearing loungewear, all of them feeling fragile and not sure how long they'd last out. However when Simon came down the stairs in a pair of white denim shorts and a colored button up he'd realized he'd been stitched up.

"I for one would rather be comfy" he pulled his lips down to reveal his iconic face he had mastered over the years.

"You look like you're about to rob a bank" Talia Joked taking her place on Simons knee.

"Alright and you look like you've took fashion advice from my mum" he retorted.

"Ight bro chill she's a female" Freezy ushered.

"I don't give a fuck lad, she just can't handle the heat"

"I mean. He's not wrong" Simon chuckled "where is everyone?"

"Kitchen, bathroom, bedroom. All over the show basically"

"I'm not sitting here for hours I'm good for 9" Harry drew the conclusion firmly.

"Thanks for leaving me" Addelyn finally stumbled down the stairs, losing her step at the very bottom. "Oh fuck"

Harry's eyes crinkled at the sight of it. She was funny without even trying to be AND she'd gone for the dress that HARRY HIMSELF had chosen. He'd become clammy in his hands as he rubbed them together unknowingly.

"Why are you wearing a jacket over it" Emily scowled "it's a boys jumper too. It looks stupid"

"It's for if it gets cold" she shrugged "don't be crying like a bitch later when you're freezing and nobody wants to give you their hoodie"

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