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Freezy five is literally doing me in at the moment....but alas I'm battling through. Here's a chapter. Enjoy :)


Addelyn groaned as she turned her alarm off for the 5th time this morning. It was blaring and she was sensitive and to no surprise couldn't handle it. She had a prominent, thumping headache and felt severely hungover. Her night with Talia was catching up quickly.

It had been so long since she'd been able to let herself go and enjoy a night off with friends however so she didn't mind the hangover that followed.

She finally slid from the side of her bed, drawing the cover back to it's original spot, a rather lazy attempt at making the bed as she grabbed a towel from the stool at the end of it before heading to the shower. There isn't any hangover in the world that can't be cured by a warm shower and a coffee. Luckily for Addelyn she had both in a close radius so she was thankful as she entered the bathroom.

The music on her phone was a quiet hum outside the door, vague but still there, the water running down her bronze, toned skin like glaciers of resolution resting on the infringement of a condensed windowsill. The warmth clung to her body instantly and she relaxed with the temperature change.

She was never one to take long showers so after rinsing her hair from knots and clumps, she exited with a large sigh before wiping her face with the hand towel.

Her teeth were more of a hassle in the mornings. She had to floss, whiten and brush. After serious words with her management about considering veneers in turkey, she was adamant she'd uphold her dental health to keep them in pristine condition. Management seemed happy enough with this and stopped bothering her about it shortly after her braces were removed at her graduation.

Another thing she'd payed for herself. Braces.

With the phone in her hand, she made her way back to the bedroom to dry her hair before making herself a coffee for the morning.

Her bedroom was organised enough.

The room wasn't as homely as she'd liked it to be but with touch ups and decorations in the near future she was sure she could make but for now it was large enough for her and in good enough condition to not be complaining

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The room wasn't as homely as she'd liked it to be but with touch ups and decorations in the near future she was sure she could make but for now it was large enough for her and in good enough condition to not be complaining.

The trees in the bedroom weren't real, they were fake plastic plants from IKEA to match the nature tone she had set out for the open space. The bed was king sized and the headboard was white plastic tiling which resembled one. Her drawers were on the far end of the bedroom with her tv and belongings on and a large cream rug lay beneath her bed, acting as an aesthetic.

Apartments in London were usually expensive with very little space due to limitations on land, so when she seen the size of the bedroom and bathroom she was more than happy with the pricing. It was affordable and homely, somewhere which she enjoyed coming back to at the end of a long day.

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