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Addelyn brushed the brim of her fingertips against her arm softly as the Uber home approached the villa. It seemed like a long trip, especially since she had been so consumed with her thoughts.

The idea of him didn't leave her head once, regardless of the inner conflict he caused. He was so hot and cold with her and deep down she knew she was settling for less than she deserved but part of her craved him.

To feel that rush, to finally be excited and enjoy spending time with someone. However it didn't look like Harry felt the same and that's what hurt.

she was so consumed with him and he seemed none the wiser. Not that it would make a difference. You can't force someone's feelings. Even Addelyn knew that.

At the Waterpark, Harry had finally laid off the drinking. The confrontation had been too much. Half of him was furious she dared to challenge him in front of such an audience but part of him knew deep down that he had only been the cause of it himself.

He was trapping her in a fantasy, and himself with that too. That he could be happy, that he could make someone happy. Just an illusion, a mere spectacle of the person he was before Katie.

It was starting to become a worn out excuse for his actions, he would one day have to accept what she did to him but right now he was clinging onto any hope he had at not taking accountability.

He'd let lust take over when he kissed Addelyn, or had he?

Deep down Harry knew knew wouldn't have tried so desperately to convince her the moment meant something if that was the case surely, but that was a few glasses of alcohol before now, and he had a straighter head at that point.

"You alright there Bog, you seem lost fella" Ethan chirped sitting beside him on the sun lounger.

His laughing and chirpy demeanour still upheld even after the confrontation and Harry felt obliged to smile back, a fake reassurance to settle his friends conscience.

Ethan and him were close, and right now he felt too vulnerable to open his mouth about anything because he knew once he did he wouldn't stop.

So he stayed silent.

He would have chosen to go after Addelyn if she hadn't approached the situation like she did, he was caught up in a mix of embarrassment, anger, hurt and jealousy to feel like he was obliged to.

She had wanted to storm off, so storm off she did.

Addelyn was an adult and she made her own choices and with that Harry accepted it.

Addelyn sighed as the back of her head hit the headboard in her bedroom.

It wasn't unusual that she'd chosen to go straight to her bedroom instead of using the open space to her advantage. She wanted to be closed away, somewhere she felt safe. Open space didn't feel like a space place to her, especially in a foreign country.

Alcohol, sickness and stomach cramps all seemed to come at once as the petite girl hurled over the side of her bed into what she could only identify as a bowl she'd used for cereal the night before.

Not the finest moment of her life but it was definitely better than the floor.

After wiping her mouth, Addelyn felt more emotionally vulnerable than before, Harry's rejection sinking in and stinging more than ever. Especially when his friends were so adamant on how much he liked her.

It was like she was stuck on who to believe. Harry had kissed her, she hadn't initiated it or so she thought, the alcohol had swayed them quite a lot but from what she could recall he seemed to enjoy it, and he didn't seem laced with regret over the moment.

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