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I'm in the car going to a lake with my family....

It's a long drive so maybe I'll be able to get a mini update out?

Let's hope....

The room was huge. Addelyn sat down on the sofa beside Freya, who pulled her into a brief hug. She relaxed into it, the boys had already left now and she knew she couldn't really escape the girls company. Plus without the boys here, maybe the girls would be more welcoming.

"You want a drink?" Emily asked already pouring it.

It didn't give her much of a choice really so she nodded with a gritted smile taking the strawberry daquiri. She didn't even know you could make
Home made ones. She didn't drink much anymore. Her job was too demanding to drink regularly.

"Cal came in and asked me to iron his T shirt and even kissed me as he left. Probably has the hots for me" Emily sauntered taking a sip from her drink.

Addelyn just fiddled with her fingers, an aid at distraction. None of the girls knew that most of the boys detested Emily, none of them the past 2 days had spent much time around the lads, of course they wouldn't know what they'd been talking about.

Freezy was clearly someone who was quite physical and affectionate, so the fact he'd obviously briefly given Emily a kiss to the cheek would be to show his appreciation, nothing more. Either way Addelyn didn't care, it wasn't her business who he spoke to.

"You guys eat cheese selections right?" Talia asked picking a piece up.

"I usually do but Ethan ordered me a pizza before he left" Addelyn replied quickly.

She had tried to get him to change his mind but he was adamant it would cheer her up, and with Harry's insistence of him getting one, even offering to pay she relented. The boys had been gone for quite a while now so it wouldn't be long before it came. She didn't want to ruin her appetite with small snacks.

"What is it with you and the boys" Emily boomed "you've been with them the past 2 days, they're offering to buy you food, going out on shopping trips with you and they don't even know you. Have you slept with one of them or something?"

"No" Addelyn screeched back defensively "of course I fucking haven't"

"Well they're a bit too close to you. Just saying" Emily spoke back, a little lower in tone.

"They probably just have similar personalities" Freya defended "and she's made Harry a lot happier than he was about even coming on this holiday. So I don't have a problem with it personally"

"Yeah it's not really that much of an issue" Talia joined in.

It was nice the girls had jumped to her defence and she smiled smugly before leaning back on the reclining sun-bed.

Incoming message:

+41 - - - 0970 - Hey, Behz said the pizza should be there. Thought I'd message.

+ 41 - - - 7589 - who's this?

+41 - - - 0970 - harry, Ethan give me your number.

Addelyn - I see, I see. How's your night?

Harry - boring up to now. Only in the first club yet. I've had 3 vodka apple juices.

Addelyn - Thought you weren't a fan lmao.

Harry -  I'm not bro, they just get you lashed quickly.

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