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Harry sighed as he entered the villa. Yes the alcohol had began to wear off and his splitting headache was horrendous. What he had thought was simply going to be a day of exciting activities and what he considered a laugh had turned abominably into a giant mess. He had no one to thank but himself for this mess particularly. What was he thinking, all Addelyn had done was placed her hand on his knee and he had over reacted massively to the point it had erupted and caused an argument. What had he actually been thinking, kissing her moments before and then turning around and rejecting any form of intimacy she had given him. Maybe the alcohol had perplexed him into this sad state but he did feel the need to apologise. 

"Honestly Harold, not to be funny or nothing, but you absolutely reek" Freezy commented, entering beside him. 

It was clear Freezy was in better spirits than he was. In fairness, it wasn't Freezy that had just been humiliated in front of all of his friends, it was Harry and even though his subconscious felt like it should be punishing Addelyn for her disruption in the group his conscious mind wouldn't allow him to. Instead he blamed himself for the event, even vocally to the others. It was of course Emily who made the first snide remark about her being overdramatic as to which he had ignored, he didn't want to cause more tension than there already was. 

"She's in her bedroom, have fun trying to talk to her though, her responses were infuriating me" Freya groaned passing by Harry to enter the kitchen. 

He pondered for a second if it was worth going to do what could be seen as antagonizing her but at the end of the day she needed an explanation and he needed the clarity. He just wasn't yet sure on what his explanation was going to be. 

He made sure to knock on the door once before entering, it was only polite and if he knocked until she allowed him in he would have been stood there a very long time.

"Oh, it's you" Addelyn scowled throwing her head back on the pillow. 

She thought it may have been Ethan or Talia maybe but not Harry. She'd communicate with anyone but Harry. She just wasn't in the mood for his games. 

"Thrilled to see you too" he chuckled nervously, his eyes travelling across the floor.

It was tense but it was to be expected, both of them were clear minded and sober now and clearly both embarrassed by the atmosphere they had created. 

"I just came to apologise really" he mumbled towards her. 

He was still yet averted to looking at the floor, not meeting her eyes. He felt guilty, almost as if he had led her on. 

"Oh right. fairs. Is that all you wanted to say because it's fine. I want to sleep. you can see yourself out" 

Harry was growing tedious of the attitude she was throwing at him. He had been the bigger man and apologized and she was sat rubbing salt into a fresh wound. It screamed bitchy on her behalf. 

"Yeah, guess that's it" he scratched his head leaning against the doorframe "don't know why you have such a repulsive attitude but oh well"

with this comment Addelyn's ears flared up immediately. 

Had he just called her repulsive. 

"Excuse me, who do you think you're talking about" her voice raised with her body as she sat upright in bed. "you were a dick to me and apologized not even saying what you were apologizing for. I am allowed to hold a grudge"

"And rightfully so should I" Harry argued back instantly "do you know how embarrassing you made that whole situation in front of MY friends" he emphasized "They're my friends, not yours and you publicly humiliated me in front of them all"

"I will have you know, some of these people are also MY friends too Harry. The whole world doesn't just revolve around you and the people you know. I didn't humiliate you, I let everyone see you for what you are, a headfuck"

"And how have I done that?"

"See. how can you come in here to apologize without realizing how you actually made me feel?" she sighed "I was trying to be nice and you threw it right in my face"

"I'm not used to those kind of actions Addelyn, I haven't been used to it for years, not since Kate"

"Are you going to use that as an excuse forever, because if you are leave" She groaned. 

She was sick of it, everything linked back to her, he was constantly denying his feelings because of her and at this point Addelyn only had bad annotations around this Kate but towards Harry himself. If he wasn't man enough to take accountability for his own actions, she didn't want to hear any half assed apology he had to offer. 

"It isn't an excuse, but your shallowness right now is really remarkable. How can you sit and say to me I'm dwelling on the past when you've never even experienced a relationship, let alone one that left you heartbroken" he boomed "When you know how I felt and why I'm scared to let it ever happen again, get back to me, but for now I'm done" 

He stormed out of the room after this moment. How dare she sit and criticize him for how he felt when she had never even been on the receiving end of it. She didn't know the half of it and if she did she would probably cut him some slack but she was clearly too selfish to actually ask. As long as what Harry did made her happy she didn't care. All girls appeared like that and Harry was sick of it. 

He slammed his bedroom door in anger and opened up his phone. There was a photo posted before it had erupted of Harry and Addelyn both in the rubber ring, Addelyn's armed wrapped tightly around his torso, smiling into his chest. He refused to not acknowledge her beauty. She had features only resembling natural beauty but her selfishness and inability to understand other's misfortunes only had her painted in a negative light. 

At first all Harry could see was pure beauty, but within that split second, it had disintegrated and disappeared. 

so, Harry and Addelyn have come to a large disagreement?

who do you think is in the wrong and why?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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