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Nerves. Addelyn was rattled by them. She hated flying with a passion. She'd never enjoyed it. Yes, she enjoyed the holidays and the nights away but the travelling it took to get there, she didn't feel as excited for. She hated the feel of being so high in the air, completely out of any form of control over her safety. Sure, they had parachutes and several other safety options but a second opinion of self doubt always entered her mind as a what if.

She was thankful nobody had yet noticed how quiet she had became because admitting to a bunch of strangers you were afraid of flying even to Addelyn came across a little childish and after her little incident with busting Harry's nose she really didn't want to embarrass herself further.

From Talia - It's in the gc you bust Harry's nose hahaha, did you really?

To Talia - I didn't mean to! It was totally on accident, he just scared me. Is he okay?

From Talia - He had to take his top layer of clothes off at airport security apparently, he hasn't got anything other than a jacket in his hand luggage. Honest Adds relax, I'm sure he's seen the funny side of it.

To Talia - I hope so

Great, so everyone knew now. The first day there and she'd already assaulted one of their friends. At this rate, she'd be less popular than Emily and that would be quite hard to achieve.

It was only until they were half way through the flight she realised how social the boys actually were. Plenty of them on seatbelt breaks would pass by Ethan and Callum nudging them in the ribs or making a joke as they went to the toilet, acknowledging Addelyn if they knew her. Addelyn just smiled at the jokes and remained in her seatbelt, where she was safe. She didn't trust planes. Not in the slightest.

"So, miss Privacy, what do you do" Ethan finally started a conversation with her personally.

She was inconveniently placed in the window seat, one where she could see directly how high in the air they were which wasn't helping her nerves in the slightest, so she'd drawn back the flap and closed it, Calfreezy complaining at her shutting the light out.

"Well, I do all sorts really. I model for clothing agencies, and I work as a palliative care nurse in the week"

"That's a rather varied range of job roles" Calfreezy interfered leaning forward to see past Ethan's head "how old did you say you were again?"

"Nearly 23" she replied quickly.

"Jesus, my mums 50 and she's a nurse" Calfreezy looked shocked "you're making my mum look so old right now"

"I get that a lot" She tried to laugh.

It was true, everyone she told her job to would say how young she was. It was just a constant reminder. That she was inexperienced and not ready for the challenge that even she accepted herself. There was no harm in trying though.

"Moving on, a model. Your face is familiar. I think it was on Elz Instagram. She shared a post of some bikini's or some shit" Ethan shrugged.

"Yeah, the past couple projects have been swimwear designs but it probably wasn't me. Swimwear is a large industry"

"That's true" he took a bite out of his chocolate bar "how did you and Talia meet then?"

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