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Bit of Addelyn/Harry fluff for you guys!

Little short filler chapter!

Of course, peace didn't last long in a villa full of different personalities. By 10:30am approximately 4 people had managed to interrupt their sleep, each time Harry digging himself further into Addelyn's warmth. If the two got any closer, his head would he imprinted in her rib bones.

Nobody questioned it however, how close the pair were and nobody other than JJ seemed to make a sexual and suggestive comment as he interrupted. apparently he needed an iron and word had got around (obviously from freezy) that Addelyn herself had one.

"I swear to fucking god one more person opens that door and I'm caving their skull in" Harry groaned loudly.

Addelyn only chuckled at his dramatic reaction. She didn't mind interacting with the boys, she enjoyed their company rather equally to Harry's but if it was the girls who had kept interrupting she may have been in the same mental mind frame as Harry.

"Would probably be a good idea to get up soon anyways. Just because some of us chose to go out doesn't mean all of us have hangover" Addelyn teased poking his shoulder.

"I swear to fuck, did somebody genuinely put you on this earth to bully me" he screeched "why you so nasty for? This is classed as abuse. Do you want the authorities at your door?"

"Oh shut up" she laughed "do you want to kiss and makeup"

"If you're offering" he laughed back to her climbing over the side of her, managing to get closer to the bathroom door "where is it then"


She smirked before approaching his face closer. Harry was sweating from the tension at this point. She seemed so sincere as she closed in on his face, her breathing changing a little as they got closer.

With it, she took her tongue and pulled it up the side of his cheek.

"You taste like apple vodka what the fuck" she gasped grabbing the bottle of lukewarm water at the side of her bed, Tipping it down her throat quickly.

"You really just ruined the moment" he mocked profusely "you're such a frickin cock tease"

"You're really heated up about this kiss aren't you Harold" she teased.

"As a matter of fact I am" he wiped the sweat off the top of his forehead with his hand.

"Then kiss me like YOU mean it" Addelyn shrugged.

It was downright brave of her to initiate such a comment but with Harry he might perceive it as a joke. She didn't have an idea if he would take it seriously or not but her feelings were on the table, now all she needed was his.

"Then miss Addelyn Tate, I shall wait until I mean it properly. You're worth the wait" he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

She was half bemused by his endearing comment, half offended. She wasn't worth kissing? Maybe she had rushed it. They were 2 days in, what was she thinking, that boys were just going to fall at her feet after 2 days. She wasn't Emily. How had her opinions gotten so clouded?

They were multimillion celebrities, of course they weren't going to start fawning over someone with a minimum paid job and a part time modelling career. It was so stupid to think anyone on this holiday would. They simply lived different worlds.

Her optimism crashed with the comment and she rejected his second peck, instead grabbing her phone , telling him to shower and that she was going downstairs.

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