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"You have been awfully quiet lately. Is something going on that you would like to share with me? Dimitri asked as he and Igor were being driven to the restaurant where they played poker with the rest of the boys twice a month. It was mostly status update and catching up about their lives.

" Nothing is going on. Doing some research on something but ones I get what I am looking for will loop you in," Igor answered looking straight into Dimitri's eye, a sign that he was telling the truth.

Dimitri just nodded and went back to check on his phone. He was tired from the office. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays were the legit business days while the rest were invested in his underworld business. He had had three meetings that had taken longer than expected. In one meeting he wanted to bash the representative of the marketing company's head for being slow in catching up with his proposal which made him so angry.

He couldn't fathom why such a renown company would send a marketing executive who was grasping for straws and seemed to be drowning in his own work. Dimitri had been patient till the end but had reprimanded him afterwards and promised to call his boss if he ever came unprepared again. The young executive had cried which had made him more agitated leaving him alone.

Dimitri sighed again for the third time and was happy when the driver announced there arrival. The door was opened and as per usual Igor got out first then him. They walked into the restaurant that served mainly russian dishes to remind them of home. He waved at the regular customers as he went downstairs where he was sure his brothers were waiting for him.

The moment they walked in, the boys stood up to hug. They all were talking at ones and laughing loudly. Nobody was allowed to enter the room. Only the manager who set up and brought the drinks. After he left one of the bodyguards would enter and do a sweep to ensure that nothing was planted to listen to what they said. Three guards always did rotations checking before the meeting.

Two other guards were always posted at the door to ensure that no one would venture into that part of the building. " How have my brother's been? Dimitri asked sitting down.

Dimitri would walk in greet his brothers then sit down at the table. They always waited for him to sit before they sat. They always sat at the table in order of seniority. Igor sat on his left while Oleg sat on his right then Sacha and Viktor who were close in age sat after the two. A guard walked in and opened the bottle, tested it stood for a while before he left. It was tradition that the alcohol was opened in the presence of the boss and one person taste it before they left.

" Anything new since we were last here? Dimitri asked as he sipped the vodka Igor had poured.

" Nothing much on my end except I received a contract from the city to restore the old museum and add some unique designs as they are thinking to expand it," Oleg said with so much enthusiasm.

" That is good,the new mayor has been doing so much. I like the man," Dimitri pointed out knowing well the man was in his pocket. " He is a greedy little piece of shit. But he always has my back."

" I haven't done anything exciting like you but my car dealership is doing well. I sold three cars this week and I have an appointment with some hot shot tomorrow. I hope I make the deal," Viktor pointed out.

"Might not be exciting but still is good business," Dimitri said smiling at his brother. It had been difficult at first for Viktor but he never gave up. He was only three years when someone dumped him at the orphanage. He was so tall and pale that the children had a nickname for him. He was a cry baby too but one thing about him was that he liked to read. Both his house and office were laden with shelves and shelves of books. He was also pursuing a degree in literature. He would often be found in a dark corner reading which sometimes wasn't appreciated by the orphanage director who thought was a waste of time. It took him a long time to talk to the group but when he eventually did, he was always following them around like a puppy.

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