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" I told you to stop following me around," the man at the bar said sipping his whiskey.

" I had to, you aren't picking  my calls and you have been avoiding me like a plague," she said sitting on the chair beside him.

" You are right, I am avoiding you. I haven't gotten any feedback to give you. So instead of telling you I have nothing, I just have to avoid you all together."

" What do you mean you have no information for me. You said you tracked down all the men involved. All of the men who lived in that place," she said.

" I did track them down, some changed there names, some committed suicide and most ended up becoming hardened criminals. That place did something to them. They threw me out of there offices or houses. Most wanted to move on with life without remembering what that place did to them. So I am sorry I have no positive feedback for you."

" I can't believe this. You have to find someone who will tell us what happened. Mom died miserably hating him. My brother is a recovering alcoholic who just says dad was a monster and then their is me. Confused because dad treated me like his princess. I loved him. And the mysterious way in which he died has affected me. I have been living with a guy I don't like so I can get the information I need for my revenge."

" Well, I guess you will keep warming his bed in hopes of finding what you are looking for. But as far as I am concerned, nobody is talking and nobody wants to be associated with that place and some threatened to call the police if I ever contacted them again. " He stood up taking his cap," I am good at my job and you know that. But something about this job tells me that you might end up hurt because you will not find the answers you have been looking for. Even I know when not to poke a sleeping Bear. Most men hold there own. But when you see a man clamp up and not want to talk about something  he mostly wants to forget. Let this go." He said before leaving her in shock.

She wasn't letting it go. She sat at the bar sipping on her glass of wine when she saw her boss sit beside her. She quickly tensed up because she knew what this was all about.

" So, this is where you come to hide when you don't want to be found," he began signalling to the bar attender who seemed to be busy trying to get the attention of the pretty girls by offering free drinks.

" I am not hiding, I just want to do this investigation them get back to work. Besides I am using my vacation days," she retorted.

" I know, but when you use office equipment for your personal use, it becomes my business to check out what you are up to. We are under a lot of heat right now, you have to stop using the office to collect data on people. "

" What's the use, of working in an office and yet I can't use the resources. Fine then I will not use the resources again, she said ones she noticed his not so amused facial expression.

" Good, now unto my next question, why haven't you been calling me and coming to our place? He asked.

" We are having an affair, I am your subordinate you are my boss and besides you and your secretary have been going at it. I didn't want to disturb you." She replied looking hurt.

" I am not seeing her, I was never with her to begin with," he defended himself.

" But Mara told me you have been seeing each other and even threatened to report us if I didn't back off."

" Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"Are you for real right now? You belong to neither of us. You are a married man with a family. We are just the side pieces who offer you pleasure. So when another woman threatens me, I walk away because I know that she, just like me are stealing you away from the woman who is committed to you."

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now