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Dimitri sat in his office waiting for his next appointment. Office days were the worst for him because he hated to sit still and his receptionist who was always flirting with him despite many warnings. He stretched out ones he stood and went to pour coffee when his door bust open and in walked Massimo. He didn't like when Massimo showed up. It meant something was wrong and they were about to get into an argument but even so he already had a feeling of why he came. He always sent is Consigliere who he that was mad for

" I am so sorry sir... His secretary began but he dismissed her.

" What are you doing here Massimo? You and I have an agreement."

" I thought we had, until your guys came into my territory and broke that agreement. Now I see why they say never trust the Russian. I was a fool thinking that we came to an agreement but have showed your true colours by stabbing me in the back," he shouted.

" What the fuck are you talking about. You and I took so long to come to an agreement to divide the territories, why in hell would I want to break that? We shed so much blood and I am not willing to go back to those days ever again. You of all people shouldn't just barge in here and accuse without an ounce of evidence."

They stared at each other with so much anger in their eyes. Massimo was a short stout man that people referred to as " the ghost". Before he had become Milan's most feared man he had been his father's advisor. Massimo had lived the life since he was a baby. Rumors travelled around that he was the one who had killed his father because he was going soft. He took over immediately when his father was never found getting advice from his grandfather who was as ruthless as they came.

He earned the reputation as ghost because people claimed he was his father's hit man. No one knew when he came and went. All they knew was that when he left someone who was supposed to be dead was dead. He had a total of a hundred and fifty kills to his name. More than anyone else had in any underworld family.

" I have video of your men raiding my warehouse," so I am going to ask you again, what's going on? Why the betrayal?

" Ohh, you have the guts to walk in here and ask me? Your men broke into my warehouse a fortnight ago and got away with my merchandise. I was almost paying you a visit after I finished investigating.

Dimitri saw Massimo's face morph into one of confusion. " What the hell do you mean my guys attacked your warehouse. The week you  are talking about I was away with most of my men in Rome."

" Well explain, this video to me then. Dimitri got his phone and slid it to Massimo who watched the video intensely.

" Wait a minute, the car looks like yours but its the same car that was at my warehouse. Plus the guy who looks like my man is the same man who looks like your man. I know this because of the way he is moving. Take my phone, watch the video. It's a four man crew. But it seems like they did both jobs."

Dimitri watched the video and also noticed the similarities between the robberies. He stood up and started pacing just like Massimo was. " Someone wants us to fight and kill each other. Someone is framing us so we can attack each other,' Dimitri said after a while.

" Do you think it's the Japs? They approached me with an Idea of letting them set up shop here and I said no. I am assuming they approached you too. This region is divided into three, the Italians, Russians and the Irish. We all deal in different things but we have been in an understanding for years I sure hope this Japs aren't here to mess things up."

" I don't think it's the Japs. We all denied there request in gaining access. They are known for their honour more than any of us. Besides no jap is going to hire someone like that to so the job. A jap will hire someone from the family especially the new recruits so that they can be initiated. That looked like no initiation. Those people knew what they were doing and bloodshed is what they want. So bloodshed is what we should give then and watch who tweaks first. I am sure since you are here, old O'Neal is on his way. They mess up the territories, we start fighting. Lose focus on what is what, blood feud rises while someone new takes over."

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now