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Tati sat in her car on the roadside a few meters from Dimitri's residence. She had been parking there for the past three days and based on the time on her watch she knew it was time for him to be on his way home. She had tried to see him several times but his moronic staff wouldn't let her in. She swore they were racists and some even went as far as telling her she wasn't welcome. Off course they didn't know who she was because she had covered up her skin with make up so nobody knew who she really was.

"Are you sure about this? Her companion and partner in crime Mariluz asked.

" Off course I am. This morons wanna play? I am going to show them that I can play better. So let's go over the plan one more time. It's almost show time."

" Really, we have been going over the plan for the past six hours we have sat here. We have knocked on that lovely lady's house six times so you can pee. The real reason am here is so that..

" So that you make sure I am safe and they don't turn me into Swiss cheese and in the process kill the baby. I know hence the white flag. I am yet to see a moron who doesn't understand that a white flag simply means peace. So let's invade them in peace. Ok one more time, tell me the plan and drop that sass."

Mari sighed loudly and rolled her eyes before she spoke in a sarcastic monotone. " As soon as the last car goes through, we put the flags on either window and drive fast through the gate before it locks. We will sit in the car for a few minutes until he tells us to get out just in case a bullet is stuck between our eyes from the sharpshooters on the roof. At this point you will open the door  and get out slowly whereby we will pray they don't shoot you killing the baby," Mari whispered the last part which had Tati sighing loudly and glared at her.

" What, is true. You don't know what this mafia guys do. This is a bad Idea cause I already feel like peeing myself. My husband is going to kill me when he finds out I took our surrogate to a gun infested compound."

" Well you won't tell him and neither will I. Peanut for sure will never say anything unless the environment becomes stressful and he decides to show up before his time which is in a week's time. I can't believe nine months are already gone. I just.... Show time she said mid sentence noticing the cars approaching the gates. " Remember let's all be safe and try to come out a live."
" Good time to say all that crazy shit. Bitch you crazy but I love you," Mari shouted as soon as Tati started driving like a maniac changing gears.

Before they knew it, she was flying through the gate passing all the other cars that had gone through the massive entrance. Just as predicted no one shot at them because of the white flags. Tati parked in front of big mansion and waited for hell to break lose. Soon the car was surrounded by gunmen with so much ink on their bodies. They just stood giving them the stunk eye. Tati and Mari could see them but none of them saw the ladies. Soon the crowd started clearing and what she assumed was her object of interest walked through holding a golden gun.

Mari swallowed hard and grabbed Dee's hand. Dee looked at her encouragingly before letting off go her hand.

" Get out before I blow your fucking brains out," he shouted. Dee knew who the leader was but the guy who knocked her window looked fearless but not the boss. From the way the crowd had moved for the man who was tapping on her windshield she automatically assumed he was in charge of something. She sighed and took her handbag and struggled to get out of her car. She loved the car so much but as she got bigger with the pregnancy, it was getting difficult to get in and out of the car. She slowly got out and raised her hands up. The guys looked at her surprisingly especially when they zeroed in on her stomach.

" What the hell were you thinking driving in like that. We could have killed you," he shouted still pointing his gun at her. Mariluz took that time to get out of the car and slowly walk to Tati's side. She grabbed on to her hand shaking because they weren't dropping there guns.

MY RUSSIAN MOBSTER (Tatiana's story)Where stories live. Discover now