🔹it's like

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It’s like thoughts are people running through my mind
Whispering I’m useless,
Nothing worth and I’m hopeless,
Think no one can find
Me down here, but I still wish for
Someone who can stop them all
From making me dizzy, making me fall

I keep telling me that I can stop them
That I can control ‘em
But who will be dead
After the war in my head?
I should be able to fight
Them, but there’s no hope, no light
I can’t see how they’re taking me down,
Steeling the crown
I gave myself for winning a small
Battle against them all,
But the times I won
Are long gone

It’s like thoughts are people running around
Me lying on the floor, thought I’d have found
A way outa this chaos,
But it was just a little spark
While I needed a whole fire
Against that dark
Inside of me

They said they understood
It’s just a girl, girls cry a lot
But I say they don’t understand,
How could they
With a perfect world in their hand
Where everything’s fine
So they couldn’t understand the problems of mine
And all the others struggling the same
Terrible way pulling you down
To where you can’t get your crown
Ever again

I lost my focus, kept looking at the bad,
Even though I knew this would only make me sad
And angry, but now I’ll try to do better,
I don’t care what they say, it doesn’t matter
I’ll find the good in me, the good
In the people, in the world, this should
Make it easier not to fall in that hole again
Where thoughts were too mighty and ran
Around all the time, making it hard to believe
In any hope or to achieve
Just a small improvement
A single movement
Outa that dark black hole

If I told them they’d say
I should be waiting day for day,
Time heals every wound,
Time can’t help me out of there,
But I know someone who knows where
I am right now, where I’ve been
He looked at me, held my chin
And told me everything
Would be fine again cuz he is the king
And I pray
To him every day
That he breaks my chains
Leading the blood back to my veins
To feel alive again and forever
And some days it’s really getting better
At some point.
I won’t ever
Let him leave my side,
Because I’m his child
And he’s my father, my best friend
Untill the end

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