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This is not about fame, about guys, about cash
It’s about the people who raise you from the ash
And tell you you’re worth it
When you think you don’t deserve to be loved

It’s about the people who just try to help
But you don’t really want that help,
You just want them to leave you alone
‘Cause the sticks and the stones of life
Already broke your bones
And you’re tired of the fight
Against the demons inside of you,
You just want to suffer alone

But, you know, they’re just like the stone
That cracks the window to your house of cards
Telling you Here I am and you’d better start
Telling your story
But they don’t do it for glory
They do it for you
That’s true love to me
I mean, who would seriously ever
Spend more time together
With a broken being like me
Just for seing it break again
Than necessary
If not because of love

They don’t push you into things you don’t want
But they’re there if you need someone
And if you don’t want to talk
They are not gonna start an argue
Cause they know what you’ve been through
And if you don’t know what to do
They’re the ones who’ll probably know what’s good for you

Actually, I just wanna say thank you
To you know who
For having amazing friends like you

And even if you don’t believe me a word
I’ll never forget who helped me when I was hurt

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