🔹nobody will ever find

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Nobody will ever find
The words between the lines
Because you’d need my sight
To look at it and see
The words between the lines

Nobody will ever find
The real me, cause it hides
Inside of me
Too scared of the light
Shining through my eyes
Into her cage of darkness
I know it’s heartless
To lock her up like that
But she doesn’t complain

Nobody will ever find
The words I wrote
In the dead of night
Too dark for one to read
If they don’t really know me,
But if you do
Won’t show you, too
Cause that would be
Embarrassing to me

Because of all the dark days
When I look through a wall
Of emptiness
All the words I can’t say
I just write them down
That’s my kind of therapy
But not for anyone to see

Nobody will ever find
My secret tears,
My place to hide
When I’m empty inside
I’m trying to hide
From the emptiness

Nobody will ever find
My true feelings,
My truth desire

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