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I feel like a robot in a crowd of people
Fells kinda illegal
Because I'm not equal
To all these people

Try to read them so I can fit in
I'm analyzing everything
Every breath they take,
Every move they make,
Every love they fake
To copy it and act like them
Just not to be the outcast I am
You know, the last
Time they didn't recognize
That I don't fit into what
In their eyes
Is normal
Because I'm just a robot

I wanna fit into the perfect pic
Sometimes I feel like I'm feeling sick
But feeling nothing
Is better than being a dick, right?
That's why I should better hide
My true self

I'm thinking too much about everything
I'm struggling
With who I am, who I wanna be
All these dreams inside of me
Want to get out, I can barely breathe
Good thing I'm a robot
Cause robots don't need to breathe

They can't see the real me
And they don't recognize
I'm not the type of person
They see in their every day live
And I feel illegal
In that happy crowd of happy people

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