🔹for whoever needs to hear this

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Some days are rough,
But You’re too tough
To complain.

I know you’re lying
If you say you’re fine.
You know, I can’t deny
What I’m feeling,
Even if I don’t talk that much.

You’re face is a mascarade.
For you it’s easier to say
That everything is in place.
That you’re okay.
But you’re not.

I know I can’t tell you
How to handle things.
But I know what you’ve been through,
Cause you told me, remember?

I know trust isn’t there
Where love’s been gone.
I know you’re not done
With fighting.
Let me help you to bring a little light
In their lives,
So they can wake up,
Rise up from the dust
Of all the broken trust.

I can’t keep quiet anymore
And you can’t always ignore
That I do adore
For being so strong,
For you kept fighting a long, long time.

At first, I had a person in mind I wanted to write this for but it didn't really fit, so it's for whoever needs to hear this. :)

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