Captain Kovolo

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Real Name: Vladimir Varkov Kovolo

Age: 46

Nationality: Soviet Union

Height: 6'04"

Background: Many say he's a "patriot" for the Soviet Union, Kovolo is very skilled in CQC, Firearms, vehicluar maintenance, Black ops, Assassination and naval combat. He's been in service since he was Sixteen years old and is highly decorated and acknowledged by his superiors and other military branches. Though one day a decade ago he came across an Unknown operative who had bested him in combat during a raid in the base he was stationed in. After his defeat he swore to deny any promotion he received til he had gotten his chance to kill the operative who nearly killed him. Since then he had helped trained peacekeepers, soldiers, meta humans, special forces, and many more.

Weapons of choice: AK series, swiss army knife, Dragunov.

Known vehicles to operate: T-90 tanks, Humvees, and Mi-28.

Likes: Borscht, His homeland, weapons.

Dislikes: American ways and culture.

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