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"The guy got five medals less than three weeks ago and yet your determine to take him down?" Dick said as Batman had multiple videos, files, and pictures of (Y/N) Wakagen.

"He's dangerous Dick. Some can even say he's more dangerous than Deathstroke, even more skillful; I even hacked into Cadmus data base to pull this."

"Project Wakagen?"

"Remember the incident where clone metas invaded the tower?"

"Yea I remember that. But if I may back trace that date, records shows Captain Dolion was in Iran when that happened. And he hasn't exactly fought any of our guys nor do I think he would cause you know; He's Dating Zatanna."

"Never rule out possibilities Dick. Due to his track record and what this new project tells us is that Cadmus is wanting to got to war with us."

"I think its too soon to te-" interrupting Nightwing the computer sent out a couple alerts as it show someone accessing Project Wakagen and adding a new slide and report file.

"What are they adding?"

"File: Dolion taking down Man of Steel." Batman said glaring at the screen.

"You don't think..."

"I do; call John we'll need back up We'll need Flash and red tornado just in case."

"I think we'll be eno-"

"I don't want to take any chances."

"Wait so our next show will be in Vegas?!" (Y/N) asked his girlfriend on his phone as he was getting groceries for their apartment along with something special he wanted to try.

"Yea Bunny got Zachary booked for two weeks and asked me to join in as it'll help sell my merchandise."

"Wait you have merchandise?" The marine asked

"I'm a part time leaguer babe and shows are in and out my income needs to come from different and reliable places. Though maybe I can leave out merchandising."

"You know even though I've never gotten one I can get a house on a naval base for a good price since I'm still active duty."

"Oh is the Marine suggesting something?"

"M-maybe... I mean we have been living together for months now-"

"And still haven't slept together keep in mind! And I see what you mean... Could be a nice change of pace I can go house hunting with you."

"That'll be great. Oh hey I remember something how much does tickets to Vegas cost?"

"A lot why?!"

"I know a retired Marine who owns a jet he currently uses it for joy rides with I served with him for a couple of tours I can see if I can get a better prixe than airline."

"Oh ok look at my man pulling strings. Yea pull him up could save us travel fair."

"Definitely I'll hit him up when I get back. Oh by the way I didn't know you can get fresh Lobster in Gotham's markets." The marine said looking at the live lobsters in Gotham's supermarket.

"Your getting Lobster for tonight?! What's the occasion?"

"Do I need an occasion to spoil my girlfriend?"

"No you do not! Hey someone's at the door I'll see you at home! Love you!"

"Love you too Magic girl... Now then I got... Company apparently." (Y/N) said hanging up on Zatanna before he felt several eyes on him, so in that moment he decided to leave the store after paying for the groceries making his way around the block avoiding civilians when he came across the knight of Darkness.

Unexpected Meeting (Zatanna x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now