Bio/ Prologue

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(Y/N) Wakagen:

Callsign: Dolion

Age: 25


Ethnicity: Hispanic

DOB: April 21st

Place of Birth: Unknown

Views on Heroes: as a soldier he's fought to protect the freedom of his nation a so he feels conflicted when these "gods" started gaining the people trust while he gets resentment from his fellow Americans.

Residence: Hotel in Gotham City, in the Slums.

Family: Unknown

Old Squad and "classmates": deceased

Amanda Waller: uncertain.

Friends: Neighbor Jimmy (though he's normally drunk)

Current Job: Unemployed.

BG: At the age of five he was adopted by the organization Canvas to study and train to be Elite soldiers known to turn the course of a battle around by their mere presence and carry out near impossible mission that the now have a squad of pseudo humans carry out for them in their place. At the age of sixteen he and a couple others were officially in the books for different military branches and were assigned to many different missions and battles. And after Ten years of service (Y/N) obtained the rank of Captain but during his service he has never once relaxed in normal American society. Which is where our story will mow take place after a mission (Y/N) returned from.

"Hey look Superman saved Metropolis from Lex... Yet again." A Private said looking at the old box tv in the cafeteria other Canvas soldiers were sitting and eating in.

"General Eiling must be furious." Another soldier said as the mess hall filled with chatter.

"Yep Taxes are going to spike again thanks to boy wonder!"


"Hey guys shut up look it's Siva Squad." A soldier said as the mess hall suddenly got quiet as a group of four soldier dressed in a high tech US Marine uniforms entered the room and sat on an empty table to the far side of the hall.

"C'mon lets get outta here those guys are highly affiliated with Waller." The masses left the mess hall in fear of the Elite squad as they lookes at each other taking off their helmets and started eating.

"So Dolion today is your tenth anniversary at Canvas."

"... Yea.... What about it?"

"Don't you want to go into town and have fun?"

"What do you mean go into town?"

"Question Dolion when was the last you weren't in the field or here at Canvas?"

"I guess... Twenty years ago... Never really had a reason to leave my station and with working with Waller tends to take up most of your time as well... I forget these guys aren't like me. Their not full soldiers they are civilians working in the line of duty as I would say it."

"I see I guess that would explain why your a captain right Gibbon?, Oddball?"

"I guess Zankto" oddball said taking a sip of his water.

"Wait Captain so you never been outside of base or missions?"


"What the hell?" The three thought as the captain sat in silence eating his food.

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