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"War continues to spread throughout the middle east as casualties are now hitting the thousands for all sides as the Chinese army and North Korean army continues to overwhelm United States troops and NATO."

"Here we are at Mos Rialgo where the United States soldier we're massacred by a somewhat strange foe and signs don't dict-"

"Regarding the media and news of this war its all redundan-"

"The president along with the chief of arms had only this to s-"

"Talks about getting help from the league have been put to rest as they haven't answer-"

"My fellow Americans, we are at dark times right now as our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters are dying to a strong opposition. I understand all of your concerns as I have them myself but this is the time where our soldiers need your help the most every little thing you can do will make a difference in our war effort. Like before our generation we Americans must stand proud and never back down from those who wish us harm, and for us to truly see who our heroes really are."

"I get that its your duty to go but this just happened you still have another Six months to go on your leave." Zatanna said trying to convince her Marine to stay as he recently came back from base now packing his stuff.

"Zee... Plans have changed... I'm to leave with the rest of Siva Squad at Twenty-one hundred. They need their best to win this war."

"Where will you be going? Afghan again? Maybe Syria, Iran, China, Korea? Heck maybe even Russia since they're probably involved now. (Y/N)... I'm sorry I know you have no choice but... Why didn't you fight to stay home?" She asked as her Marine took a deep breath caressing her cheek making each other look into their eyes.

"Because this is our home and I need to protect what I love the most. Especially you." He said placing a soft kiss unlike the others they had as this one Zatanna felt had more love in it than any other.

"Please come back safely."

"Of course. Listen I'll try and contact you however way I can ok? I love you."

"I love you too." Zatanna said as she watched (Y/N) leave her building to enter a car with his squad.

"To think that happened two years ago when (Y/N) got deployed. On very rare occasions would we be able to talk. That was when he wasn't under attacked. Ever since this war happened everything seemed to change; surprisingly crime rates had gone below even some villains wouldn't do a thing. I've been having less shows due to my constant worrying all the while I'm donation food and other goods to the soldiers. I've also kept in touch with Shirley and Cassandra since our other halves were fighting together everyday... I have to admit they are strong women, they have always been prepared to deal with this, they have children they look after so they don't let the pressure of losing their husbands in the front lines. Something I've yet to master... Despite the short time me and (Y/N) have been together I can't imagine my life without him and it drives me crazy thinking about it. Good thing is my cousin Zachary and hus wife Bunny keep me from going to see (Y/N) in person, even Shirley is a big help as she sympathizes with me for she also doesn't know what to do without Zanto however she's prepared to live on for their kids. Only thing with me is that I don't have any kids, nor am I married. To make matters worst the league doesn't want to do anything in the war effort which I understand however. Other countries are using metas to kill our soldiers yet we don't do anything about it. I know I can't because I'll be too emotional to actually help."

"Why can't I go?! You guys saw the news my boyfriend is down there fighting them. How can we just let people with powers murder the American people?!"

Unexpected Meeting (Zatanna x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now