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"Adjusting... Six seconds... One... Two..."
"Two metas... Both not resistant to bullets... Opening after their attack is five second window... One... Two..."
"Targets marked... Taking the shots."
"Gunner's injured! I got controls... I've got that helo in sight... Taking the shot." Multiple recordings of Captain Dolion's many missions played on a big screen with an audience of U.S. Military branch heads, Top Scientists, SECNAV, Waller, Generals and Admirals alike.

"As you can see from his track record Captain Dolion Is the best candidate for our project. If we can make more soldiers like him, the justice league and our enemies wouldn't be able to out do us through power or even technology. As skill would be on our side... I believe you lot know this gentleman here." Eiling said as a frozen frame of Vladimir Kovolo appeared on screen as most of the tenants there spoke to each other in shock as Kovolo had put some fear to American officials.

"Good... This next part will be satisfying." Eiling said as everyone focused on the screen above.

The screen showed Dolion and Kovolo face to face as they circled eachother with their hands on their firearm. Then in a spilt second both of then drew their firearms only for Dolion to have a faster trigger finger and more accurate shot than Kovolo as he got his shot a second too late hitting Dolion on his hip.

"Another legend Dolion has taken down, from the meta North Korean, Ari the Terror Sniper of Iran, and the Russian's meta threes. If given the chance and resources he could even take down Superman." Eiling said as the room got quiet.

"Its all impressive but if I remember correctly Captain Dolion is a super soldier bred from Project Alpha soldier am I correct? Isn't there a fear Dolion will turn on us like another super soldier we know."

"Partially. And I know where your going with this as well. Captain Dolion has shown his loyalty to America time and time again and to clear something Slade was altered genetically through uses of a certain drug, Dolion however has never been Genetically altered, have used any sort of body enhancing drugs, and is not a security risk." Eiling said showing Dolion's medical history on the big screen.

"That's fine and all but I do have one question." An Admiral stood up looking at the general.

"Go ahead."

"Is the man a loyal dog, or a loyal human?"

"Ah well take a look at this." General Eiling said as something recent had happened.

"Forget the hostage kill both of them! That's an order!"

As those words rang the video showed Oddball's and Zanto's point of view showing Dolion shaking a bit before putting down his rifle. This action alone surprised many people there even the ones who knew about Project Alpha soldier.

"W-wait that's not possible." A scientist said confusing most people.

"What do you mean? Its not possible that he's trying to help the hostage?" One of the confused people asked.

"For those of you who don't know about Project Alpha Soldier here let me explain something to you. The resource for this project we used were Orphaned two to five year old children, young enough to not know their family and old enough to be taught and programmed like Captain Dolion; he was five years old going into the project and like many orphans he was willing to learn and trusted us. Despite that he like many others was programmed to always follow orders keyword being well... Order from known superior officers such as General Eiling who oversaw every detail of Project Alpha soldier. And before you ask any questions we had surgically placed inhibitor chips into the membranes of these children that helps them carry out their orders... So it amazes me how Dolion fought his programming... Pure Human tenacity, no one in the Alpha Soldier Project could resist or fight back the chips... Until today." A scientist said as whispers grew admiration to Captain Dolion.

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