Hunted One-Shot

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Seven Years before Gotham...

"Siva squadron your next mission will be the Jungle of Ethiopia we tracked down extremist Laguna Mallor there. As you know Laguna Mallor had been the main Central head of all human trafficking in the middle east and southern Africa. He also holds shares in the black market and smuggled lots of arms with known terrorist groups in the middle east. I'm sure you are all aware of the severity of this mission and how highly important this target is. Despite that this is not an assassination mission your orders is to retrieve Laguna alive and bring him to our men at Bahir Dar there we'll be flying him to US Dallas in the Red Sea."

"From where our intelligence says he is that'll be A hundred and Eighty miles to cover General... What happens if he isn't there?" Dolion asked flipping a knife in his hand as his other members stayed quiet.

"LT. Dolion... Forgetting that I didn't give you permission to speak, if you're to find no one there you have my full authorization to eliminate and destroy everyone and everything you find here. Their product is of no concern to us only their files and Laguna." General Eiling said looking at the young man as he nodded in response.

"Good your Shuttle leaves in an hour."

"You're really going to roll with that Dolion?" A large young man said looking down at his squad leader as he grabbed a M6IC-E.

"Yea we'll be best going in quietly Polin. But I encourage you to take that M134." Dolion said strapping his advance helmet and grabbing a medical kit.

"So the three of us are going quietly and Polin is the reverse card."

"Pretty much Harp." Dolion said to a boy a year younger than him as he armed himself with a Vector CRB 2.

"The easy part is going in... The hard part is getting out." A boy with orange spiky hair said putting a lollipop in his mouth.

"You get the idea Kurosaki. Take the M32." Dolion said handing his explosive expert the grenade launcher.

"Wilco." Kurosaki said with a smile as they finished gearing up and headed to their shuttle.

They were among the last of the Alpha Soldier project a class of a Hundred down to Twenty all within the span of three years. Dolion was the second oldest at the age of Eighteen and has been the leader of this squad ever since it started and he had the highest body count of everyone in his current squad; they weren't his original squad but they won't be the last and he knows that best he can do is lead them the best he can out of danger. However they are young and experience is only starting to come to them. Polin is Dolion's heavy soldier at the age of Twenty, his model is big guns make a man bigger much to Dolion's dismay but nonetheless he gets the job done as he fears no man except Dolion who was the only one to beat him in close quarters combat. Harp the youngest in the group was recently added to the team at the age of Seventeen; he is an all around fighter just like Dolion only to come up short of his leader's superiority he gained his name by his favorite pastime which was to sing as his voice sounded gentle like a harp. And finally Kurosaki at the age of Eighteen and was only behind Dolion by a few months and the second tallest behind Polin at Six feet and much like his nature that made him clash with Dolion when they were younger he loves explosives and will always bring them in a mission.

As Soldiers they've seen more blood than any other soldier in their nation. And that fact is what didn't faze them for this mission was a simple smash and grab before they head to another mission that would require death as an outcome.

"General forgot to tell us it's gonna be an orbital drop." Dolion said as they had seen a modified AC130 capable of climbing above the atmosphere for a short period of time as it was equipped with several pods Siva knew by heart as their drop pods.

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