𝒙𝒗𝒊. touch starved

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ANGELICA WAS TUCKED silently beside five, his hand plastered on her knee as the two drove quietly towards where they'd find vanya

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ANGELICA WAS TUCKED silently beside five, his hand plastered on her knee as the two drove quietly towards where they'd find vanya. there was a sudden air of awkwardness around them, after the almost kiss they had shared. "do you want to come back to our time with us?" it seemed that five had forgotten to find out if angel even wanted to stay with his siblings, or rather stay in her own time.

     "wanna stay with you." five couldn't help the smile that came to his lips when her poised voice entered his mind. he thought it silly to be smiling over such a thing, but her tongue was sweet like honey and her words even sweeter. "you can stay with me, sweetheart."

     the young girl sat silently for the rest of the journey, until a sight they didn't wanna see. vanya began driving solely past them, before both cars skidded to a halt on the dirt road. angel's body lurched forwards, her head almost hitting the dashboard.

"sorry, angel." five placed a soft kiss on her head, before hurriedly climbing out of the car to stand face to face with vanya. angel sat patiently in the passenger side of the car, right up until she saw the way vanya's eyes hardened at the sight of her brother.

she pulled her seatbelt off, her little legs carrying her out of the car and towards the two siblings. she saw the flashes of white and blue, and chose to put herself in the middle. she took advantage of the soft spot both of them had for her.

"you're lucky angel likes you." both siblings spoke at the same time, and angelica felt awfully similar to a child of divorce. between vanya and five, she was in a difficult position. "fine. i'll be there." vanya turned to walk away, leaving the two teens side by side.

"can she really not bring them?" angelica had a kind heart, and it ached to think about vanya having to leave behind two people she cared about. five let out a sigh, laying his hand over the girl's. "i wish she could, angel. but it might just kill us all."

"but you're bringing me." her delicate voice only reminded five of a mistake he may possibly be making. but it was a risk he was willing to take. "you don't belong in this timeline, angel. you just happen to be here." her eyes narrowed, brows furrowed at the boy's words.

"the handler told me. i don't know how it happened, but it did. something to do with your father." the little that angelica did know about her father, was only that he was a good man, and he died in a car accident with her mother. what she didn't know, was that he had the power to put her in a different timeline.

"we have to hurry, angel. i'll explain everything when we're back to our time." the two sped off into the city, landing beside the alley and dragging themselves into it. as they stood, briefcase in hand, luther came rushing around the corner. "where is everyone?" angel was tucked under five's free arm, looking up at luther sadly.

"you're the first —" five was cut off by his fourth sibling running around the corner, his arms flailing in the air as he came towards the three of them in the alley. in a split second, cream coloured liquid left klaus' mouth at a projectile rate, pushing angel away from the disgusting vomit.

"i can't believe it —" luther lifted his large hands to his head, running his fingers through his hair. "i mean, you're here." the tone of surprise in his voice at the lack of siblings made angelica frown slightly, but she focused on the task at hand, and that was calming five down.

     "it was a simple task. a simple task!" time had almost run out for the hargreeves siblings, and as five paced up and down the alley, angelica began to feel seasick. his movements made her dizzy, and his sudden anger at his siblings had put her on edge as she watched him.

     "i'm getting dizzy." the young girl looked towards five, who finally stopped pacing and walked towards her. his hands cupped her cheeks, his eyes giving her a quiet apology as he tucked her under his arm. her hands wrapped around his bicep, her head leaning against it.

     "you know what? it's every sibling for himself now. i'm taking angel, and i'm leaving." the young boy pulled his little girl along with him, taking her through the buildings in the back alley, with luther following quickly after them. "don't you get it, luther? it's over, we're already dead."

     angel gasped slightly, her small legs trying hard to keep up with five's own lanky figure. he pulled them into elliot's apartment, shutting and locking the door behind them. "you need rest, five. please." her pleads were enough for him to give in to her wants, letting her pull him into the bedroom.

     she shrugged his blazer off of his shoulders, undoing his tie and pulling it from around his neck. he craned into her touch, letting her arms wrap around his neck tightly. she smiled down at him, dropping a sweet kiss on his forehead. "thanks, angel. for everything."

     she smiled down to him once more, before placing her hands in his own and pulling him into the bed. she let her body fall into the comfort of the sage green comforter, as five fell awkwardly beside her. his eyes could barely stay open, as she pulled his head to rest on her chest. his arms wrapped around her waist, as he leant into her touch.

     the only thing to be heard in the quiet room was five's gentle breaths and the passing of cars outside the room. angelica didn't realise how utterly touch starved her boy was until they had their nap together.

     angelica moore would fix five hargreeves.

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