Chapter Thirty One - Drama

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I know you guys are probably expecting an excuse for the long wait and truthfully, I don't have one. I just never got round to writing. But then I looked at how long it had been from the last update and I felt awful. So this was written in the space of four hours. And now I am mentally exhausted but I think you will like it. 

Alot of drama happens in this chapter and I have a feeling you guys are going to hate me after you read it but you're just going to have to read it. 

Enjoy :)

Chapter Thirty One - Drama

Last night felt like a turning point in Scott and I's relationship. It was amazing and everything I could have dreamed of. He treated me like a princess and not to sound like a completely cheesy romantic but I felt as light as a feather when I was with him. And to top it all off, when I was walking down the hallway with Tessa to english the next day, Scott had come right up to me and kissed me on the cheek in front of everybody. And to say everybody was talking about it was an understatement. I couldn't walk into a room all day without someone whispering about my relationship with Scott but to be honest, I could not care less. Scott had finally accepted me in public which was all I wanted all along.

So you couldn't blame me when I half skipped towards rehearsals after school. feeling like a fairytale came to life and I was living it. Although I should really be dreading, rehearals. The play was coming up in a couple of weeks and each week Piper got more and more uptight. And the fact that Ryan and I still hadn't finished the scenery wasn't making her any less relaxed. I was actually worried that some day she was going to combust with the pressure of directing the play so when she needed anything I did everything I could possibly do to help.

I stepped inside the warm auditorium to see a crowd gathered around the stage, grim expressions on all of their faces and I immediately knew something was wrong. I rushed over to see that Piper was seated on the corner of the stage away from the group with her hands wrapped tightly around her folded up knees while she repeatedly banged her head against the wall mumbling something over and over looking just about ready to break something.

When I was close enough to her I knelt down and touched her shoulder lightly. 

"Piper what's going on?" I asked, feeling my deliriously happy bubble pop for the first time today which made me feel a little sad. A few more moments of happiness would have been appreiated but Piper was my friend and I needed to be there for her. She looked at me with a face that looked like a person that had just found out that their beloved cat had been crushed by a milkvan.

"It's over. Everything is ruined." She cried, her eyes brimming with tears. I knew immediately that something had happened with the musical. The only thing that could upset the normally cool and collected Piper was her beloved musical. I knew how much it meant to her because a talent scout was coming to watch from her dream college who she hoped would offer her a scholarship to NYU. Everything was riding on this play. And something had definitely happened to throw a spanner in the works.

"What happened?" I asked attentively, not wanting her to break down if I pressed too hard. She raised a hand and pointed to the group that was gathered at the centre of the stage. I realised for the first time that they were actually gathered around something. I stood to my feet and made my way through the crowd, finally reaching to the middle. There, standing centre stage, was Chloe, animatedly telling a story while her right leg was in a cast and she held in her hands crutches. I felt a hand go to my mouth in shock and I realised what Piper was so upset about. Her sleeping beauty had just broken her leg and they could not possibly find a replacement in time and teach her the lines since even Chloe's understudy had pulled out last week when Chloe had insulted her, telling her that she would never live up to her standards. Piper had never found a replacement because she had been too busy and probably would never have guessed that this would happen.

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