Chapter Thirty Six - The Party (Part 1)

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Another update! I didn't make you's wait that long did I? Well here it is. It was a bit long so I decided to split it into two parts and the next part will be uploaded straight after this one.

Fun fact: I was physically shaking throughout writing this entire chapter with excitement. So just to warn you all, it gets pretty intense.


Chapter 36 - The Party (Part 1)

As we made our way to the house party, I felt myself begin to panic. What was thinking? I couldn't go in there like some teen movie heroine. I'd seen those movies more times than I could count and I knew that most of the time it didn't go quite as they planned. Just the thought of it made my palms sweat and my feet stumbled below me as I felt my head spin. I was seriously questioning my sanity in coming up with this ridiculous plan. Now that I stood in front of the huge house in the middle of no where that seemed as if it was literally pulsing with the beat of the music, I regretted everything. The place was a mess even from the outside and I dreaded to think what it was like on the inside. I counted three people throwing up in the bushes and watched as a couple disappeared around the back of the two storey mansion for some privacy. A shiver went down my spine as an image of what they were about to do crossed my mind.

I heard Piper sigh happily beside me.

"Just the right amount of crazy to keep me interested. This might actually be a good night." She smiled, applying a light layer of Tessa's lipgloss to her lips as she took in the scene before her. It was a shock to see her looking so much like a girl. She wore a stunning burgundy dress that complimented her petite figure. While Tessa wore a pair of skinny jeans and a vibrant red halter top. She had done my hair perfectly, straightening it so it fell down my shoulders, longer than it had ever been. I even allowed her to apply a light layer of make-up, mostly mascara to bring out my eyes and a light layer of rose coloured lipgloss. We looked like we had just stepped out of a Charlie's angels film. The only thing missing was my date.

"Dammit! If that boy is late I swear he will regret it. He was an important part of the plan!" Tessa grumbled to herself, pacing back and forward where the fence that surrounded the front lawn stood. I leaned against the fence, happy to wait it out probably because I wanted to prolong going into that house as long as I possibly could. Yes, I'll admit it. I'm a wimp. Sue me.

"I'm here! I'm sorry I'm late but I made it." Ryan gasped for breath as he ran towards us as my stomach dropped. Well there went my idea of backing out because my of eye candy didn't show up. But before I could curl up into a ball of panic, I felt a smile tug at my lips at his appearance. He wore simple jeans and a black shirt that fitted him perfectly but I could still see the trace of pain stains on the jeans.

"I kind of had a paint accident and didn't have time to change. I'm sorry." He apologised, giving me a sheepish look. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"No worries. You're not even that late." I lied. He breathed a sigh of relief at my words and raised his head to return a grin. Then he lifted his head and blanched when he saw us standing there, watching him. His mouth fell agape as his eyes widened. His lips opened and closed repeatedly as if he couldn't quite grasp the words he wanted to get out. Finally his silent words were voiced.

"Whoa.. You look... You all" He stumbled over his words to a point that all three of us let out breaths of laughter. Piper strutted past him, raising her fingers and closed his jaw as she walked on. His eyes lingered on her as she moved out of his line of sight and Tessa followed closely behind, giving us time to prepare ourselves for what was to come. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

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