Chapter Twenty Three - Detours

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Next chapter! I know its short but at least its something. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 23 - Detours


The man continued to grin at the woman who flicked her hair over her shoulder and pursed her vibrant red lips in hope to look more appealing. I think it was working because Scott’s dad was eating it up. I couldn’t really blame the girl for trying so hard either. He had either aged really well or had Scott at a really young age. If this was what Scott had to look forward to when he was older then I really hope I was around to see it.

Scott was still not speaking, only watching them both with a glare with so much anger I was surprised that they both didn’t burst into flames. Maybe it was time for me to step in.

“Scott.” I cautioned. When he didn’t turn to look at me I began again. “Scott listen to me. We are going to walk out of this restaurant and then talk about this. Please don’t do anything too drastic.” Again he didn’t listen but something snapped inside of him before he marched forward with long strides.

“You bastard.” He hissed when he was near his dad. The older man looked up in shock before he began to grin again. His toothy grin wasn’t the same as his sons. It was menacing and made my insides crawl. I knew that my presumption of this man was right. I immediately didn’t like him.

“Scott! My dear boy, how are you? Isn’t this a fine restaurant? Have you tried the salmon? It’s fantastic .” He drawled on, voice deep and rich, not even a hint of guilt for what we had caught him doing. The woman seated beside him looked at us, totally confused.

Scott completely ignored his father’s words.

“You told mum you were trying to get your head clear! You said you still loved her. You didn’t mention that you were going on dates with some blonde whore!” He half shouted. I grimaced at his tone and of how people in the restaurant were turning to look at the drama happening. I thought Scott had gone a little too far, the woman really didn’t deserve to be called that. Maybe she didn’t know he was married?

“He didn’t mean that. He’s just mad.” I cut in for the woman’s sake. She looked at me with a look of plain distaste.

“Would you children please leave John and I to our date? We have things to finish.” She then placed her hand on John’s legs, digging her long red nails in as she did so. Okay maybe she did deserve to be called a whore. John chuckled quietly and turned back to his son.

“It’s fine Matilda, let them stay. Scott, son, you know how it is. Your mother, she was never going to forgive me. And a guy’s got needs.” At that point I wanted to be sick. How can a grown man act like this in front of his son? It was disgusting. And to be honest I wanted Scott to punch him, just to shut him up. Scott’s shaking balled up fist were evidence that he too felt my desire. But the vile man continued.

“And if your mother choses to take me back, then I will go gladly. You won’t mention this to her will you?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. A sadistic laugh escaped Scott.

“Are you kidding me? Of course I’m going to tell her what trash you really are.” He hissed through his teeth. John sighed, his eyes then shifted over to where I stood. Like before I could feel my insides turn as his gaze made me want to squirm but I stayed strong and laid a hand on Scott’s arm, partly to support him and the other to support myself. Never had I been in a situation like this. I never expected to be in this kind of drama when I moved here and I didn’t have a clue what to do.

“And who is this lovely young thing? Your new toy? Well done son, well done.” The older man grinned, nodding his head in apparent approval.  I could feel a bile rise in my throat. Thankfully Scott saw this too and gently pushed me protectively behind him.

“Leave her out of this.” Scott warned. John only shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

“I was just congratulating my son on his latest conquest.” The man even had the balls to wink at me. That was when Scott began to step forward. I knew what his next move would be and the last thing I wanted was him getting in trouble. That was why I quickly put myself between the father and son and laid a hand on Scott’s chest.

“Don’t do this. Let’s go home.” I told him, looking at him straight in the eyes, willing him to calm down. His usually playful green eyes were bright with pure rage and I could feel him shaking under my palm on his chest. After a while the shaking decreased and his eyes grew a little calmer. “Let’s go home.” I repeated. He watched me for a second before nodding his head. I took the hand away from his chest and reached for his hand, turning him around and heading straight out of there.

I still couldn’t understand the way Scott’s father acted. I could never imagine my dad talking to Chase or me that way and if he did my mother would throw him out before he spoke another word. The thought that little Abby and quiet Justine had to grow up with that man disgusted me. What had Diane, Scott’s pretty, loving mother, seen in him?

But what pissed me off most was the way that he talked to Scott. No son should have his father act like that. No one.

Suddenly I felt angry. Like really angry.

I ripped my hand out of Scott’s and stormed back towards the way we came from. When I reached the man again he had went back to fondling Matilda. Of course, he wouldn’t care about how his son had wanted to hit him moments earlier. I stopped in front of the table and slammed my fist down hard to get the man’s attention.

“Listen here you disgusting old man. I know you probably don’t care about what you have done here tonight but I do. You acted like a disgusting pig in front of your son who deserves way better than you. And so does his family. You have two awesome daughters and a beautiful wife who could do so much better that you but you sit here with some slut which by the way,” I turned my heated gaze to Matilda. “I totally meant that.” I then turned my attention back to John.

“And not to mention the fact that you have an amazing son who you should feel proud to even share the same blood. So next time you cuddle up to one of your new toys, think about the loving family you could have had if you could have kept that thing in your pants. Have a nice life jerk off.” And with that I picked up the glass of red wine sitting on the table and threw it expertly over him face. But that really wasn’t enough.

I then picked up the second glass and threw it over Matilda. “And that’s for dating a married man.”

I spun on my heel, letting my white dress spin as I turned and came face to face with a grinning Scott. I grabbed his hand again and this time we finally made it out of the restaurant without little detours. 

I know I created Scotts dad but I really dislike him. -_- Hehe

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