Chapter Three - Meeting Prince Charming.

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Hey Everybody.

Well you're going to meet someone special in this chapter and I really hope you like him although I don't think you will like how we met him.


Song at the song describes him ;) -------->

Chapter 3 - Meeting Prince Charming.

Okay. I'll admit it. 

I'm lost. 

I don't mean a little bit lost where if I keep looking around I will find a familiar place and start of from there. I mean, I have no idea where I am or where I'm supposed to be going at the moment. After getting our class schedules from the office, Chase and I discovered we were in different classes for first and second periods. At first he had been a little reluctant to let me go off by myself. But there was nothing we could do. I assured him I could find the class I needed to be myself and thankfully he had accepted that, going in the opposite direction to his first class.

Now, here I was, wondering the empty hallways of my new school wondering where the hell gym was and worrying if I would get in trouble for my tardiness. 

Why couldn't there have been a sign that says clearly COME THIS WAY FOR THE GYM

Life would have been so much easier. 

I could enter one of the many classrooms I passed, the rising sound of voices reminding me that although I felt alone, there was a mass of students here that could swallow me up in it's depth. The thought of opening one of those doors and asking for help made me shiver in dread. I could just hear the snickers of my fellow students as they muttered to each other about the poor pathetic girl who was lost. As an alternative, I decided to wander about until I eventually found someone who could tell me where I needed to be. 

 Despite the number of students I had seen upon entering the school, I still hoped to see Tessa, Mikey or Chloe among them. A friendly face would be much appreciated. 

 After walking aimlessly through hallways, I finally heard signs of human life. Whilst turning a corner and found myself in a hallway with two rows of grey painted lockers lining the pasty white walls. At the far end of the hallway stood the outlines of two people which I could vaguely make out as a girl and a boy. As I approached them, ready to ask for directions, I noticed how close they were and with a jerk, I realised they were kissing. 

How wonderful? I got to have the pleasure of interrupting two who clearly did not want to be disturbed. I got closer and opened my mouth to call out for their attention, when I saw the guy pull away abruptly from the girl. From my distance, I saw the girl's face contort in confusion as she said something to him, her voice rising.

The closer I got, the louder their voices were.

"This wasn't how I was going to do it Tori." His voice was soft, almost pitiful and I halted my progress. There was going to be a confrontation of some kind and I had no business being in the middle of it. The girl, Tori looked up at him as if he was a God, with all the devotion and awe she could muster.

"Do what?" She asked, grabbing his forearm, covered in a red sweater.

"Break up with you." He said and a gasp left my mouth. 

Oh I should not be here. I retreated the steps I had taken before them, careful to keep my steps quiet as I tried to control the sound of my breath. Just as I turned the corner of the hallway, I heard the girl speak after her shocked silent. 

Living Like Sleeping BeautyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora