Chapter Forty Two - Alone

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Scott POV

There are very few moments that Scott will remember for the rest of his life.

This would forever be one of them.

He could recall the tightening of his breath as he saw Morgan stumble on the top of the stairs and then, from his position a few steps behind her, the look of utmost terror twisting her features as momentum propelled her towards the stairs. He was allowed one glance of her terrified face and it would haunt him forever, followed by the sound of his own voice yelling her name as she was lost from sight.

He flung himself forward only to be awarded with the view of the girl he loved falling with such violence down the stairs. Later he would not recall how he had descended or how he fell to his knees beside her, taking inspection of the blood trickling down her temple and the awkward angle her arm was positioned beside her. He would only remember the look of almost peace on her face as her long lashes tickled her cheekbones and her hair fell in a tangled mess around her.

Scott soon became aware of the screams around him, tearing his gaze away from her to see Piper thundering past a horror stricken Chloe and down the stairs.

"Piper call an ambulance." He said, his voice had lost all colour as he returned to Morgan, careful not to touch her, fully aware that she may have spinal injuries.

Piper, for once, was silent as she took her phone out of her pocket and began throwing information at the voice on the other end.

He exhaled, remembering to breathe and noticed that when he reached out to push the blonde tendrils that were becoming stained with red from her face, he was shaking.

"Morgan, god dammit, please be okay." His throat was tight as he pleaded to every deity that no permanent injury had been done to her. Swallowing back the thickness in his voice he restrained himself from grabbing on to her and shaking her awake out of pure desperation. Therefore he knelt beside her in a position of almost reverence and committed each detail of her face to memory.

His task was derailed when another commotion sounded from the stairs and he looked up to find Tessa stumbling towards them while Chase was already kneeling down, his face pale and hands reaching for her.

"Don't." Scott warned, his chest constricting with the thought of more damage being done to her. "She might have a spinal injury." His words seemed to be another blow to Chase as her brother sat back, his eyes wide and shiny. Tessa who stood above them gave a small gasp and covered her mouth with both hands, tears already falling. Piper, who remained on the phone with the paramedics, wrapped one arm around her and continued talking through the phone.

"She fell down all these stairs?" Chase asked, his voice wobbled. The answer was obvious yet Scott knew that Chase was suffering from shock. They both were. The image of her laying broken between them was devastating.

Scott nodded, looking back down.

"Oh my god." He said, raking his hands through his hair as Tessa went to him and took one hand. He didn't look at her yet Scott saw his knuckles turn white with the pressure he was exerting.

"The paramedics will soon be here." Piper announced, running past them and towards the school entrance where they would enter through. Tessa followed, her eyes lingering on her friend, lying the ground before her tear strained face disappeared from view.

"She'll be okay Chase." Scott spoke, knowing that it was not only him that felt like he was spiralling and tumbling through darkness. Chase was her brother. An extremely protective brother. Scott didn't need to be in his mind to know that somehow, Chase was blaming himself for not being here. "She'll be fine." He repeated, not sure if it was for Chase for simply for himself.

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