Chapter Eighteen - Tension

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Hey everyone sorry for the long wait. But here it is. :)

This chapter is dedicated to TheAlexSbl as it was her birthday on the 2nd of April. I wanted to upload it that day but unfortunately I didn't get it finished in time.

Hope you all enjoy.

Quote of the chapter: 'I love the smell of sexual tension in the morning' - Tessa

Chapter 18 - Tension

I woke up with the sudden sense that something was different. A feeling that something had happened last night. I began to rise from my bed, ready to go downstairs and see what Oscar had made for breakfast when I remembered what happened with Chase last night. I sunk back into my bed with a groan.

I wanted to forgive my brother and pretend the whole thing never happened but I knew some of the things he had said to me had went too far. He did not have the right to treat me that way and make me feel bad about my condition. I was born with it and if I could chose to get rid of it, heck I would in a second. But I can’t. And I have learned to deal with it. My condition wasn’t as serious as other people I have met with the same condition, but I still couldn’t do things that I really wanted to do. One thing would be to drive.

There was something about driving that meant freedom. You could pick up your keys and just go anywhere without having to beg your parents to take you or your older siblings. I wanted that. I wanted freedom. Did Chase think I liked the fact that he or someone else had to be with me when I go down stairs or even walking down a pavement? Did he think I liked the fact that I could be telling a joke and just when it came to the punch line I fall sleep and then forgetting what joke I was even saying in the first plase?

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I slide out of my bed and make my way over to the closet. Today is Thursday and it’s my turn to take the assignment baby of Scott. We had it all but three days and already it’s caused so much drama. If it wasn’t for that baby I wouldn’t have gone to Scott’s and we wouldn’t have kissed. I didn’t know whether I was thankful for the thing being in my life or not but I knew that I had to take it off his hands because it was only fair.

I throw on the first set of clothes I could find and headed downstairs. I listened outside of Chase’s door for a moment to see if he had woken up but I heard no movement inside. I concluded that he must still be sleeping and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit glad. I wasn’t ready to face my brother yet. I knew he didn’t mean those things he said but it also didn’t mean I wasn’t going to give him hell for saying it either.

Tessa picked me up after breakfast in her shiny silver convertible. She waved frantically as I stepped out of the front door and made my way over.

“So how did last night go when I left?” She asked while pulling out of the driveway. I sighed and closed my eyes, enjoying the wind in my hair as we flew down the streets with the palm trees standing tall above us.

“Chase got angry because he thought that I invited you over and basically long story short he said screw me and screw my disease.” Even with my poor attempt to mimic Chase’s voice, Tessa completely ignored it and spun to face me with wide eyes.

“He said what!” She gasped, returning her eyes to the road only for a second before turning back to me. “Why would he say something like that?” I ran a shaky hand through my hair, not really wanting to go over the whole disastrous night again. On the streets I spotted a few early morning joggers walking their pampered pooches and some students I recognised vaguely from school loitering around as we approached the school.

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