Chapter Two - Where Is Your Fairy God Mother When You Need Her?

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 Chapter 2 - Where Is Your Fairy God Mother When You Need Her?


I fell back onto my bed with an exhausted sigh.

"Did you see those girls? Katy Perry wasn't lying when she said California girls were undeniable." 

I almost groaned at my brothers incredibly cheesy line. He could not stop talking about Tessa and Chloe since we left the beach twenty minutes ago. So far, he doesn't know which one he likes better. According to him, Chloe has a hot body and is a total flirt while Tessa is unbelievably gorgeous and all an all round sweetheart. I try not to ruin his mood by pointing out that these two girls might not even like him back but then I recall the way both of them had watched Chase play volleyball and how I had wanted to throw up a little in my mouth each time.

 "Monday cannot come soon enough. All three of them go to the same school as us. They seem cool, don't you think?" He asks suddenly. My body felt bereft of all energy, all I could manage was a nod which apparently was not good enough for him. "Oh come on! Don't tell me you're not feeling the least bit excited?" He teased poking me in the ribs. 

Excitement was not quite what I was feeling. Dread was perhaps more accurate. Not only because it was a new school, but because I wasn't an ordinary new student. 

"Chase, on Monday, if or rather when I have a sleep attack, I want you to get me out of there as fast as possible." Throughout the journey to Gran's home, I thought of all the scenarios I could be faced with. Tell everyone I had narcolepsy and be faced with sympathetic faces of people who unconscious or consciously classified me as different and therefore strange. Or try something else. 

"I don't want anyone to know about my condition here. I want to start afresh and be Morgan Peters. The girl who isn't known for falling asleep."

"What do you want to be known for?" He asks, his expression now solemn.

"Anything else but that."

 He looked thoughtful for a moment.

"Sure. If that's what you want."

 "Thank you. Now, I'm going to do my exercise then get a shower." I announced, jumping from the bed and squeezing his shoulder on my way past. Every day, upon advice from both doctors and online research, I tried to exercise at least one hour each day, to help make my both tired and regulate my sleeping patterns. My mother was always strict on the times I slept at night and when I would get up in the morning. She settled on a bedtime of 10 o'clock at night and awake at 7 o'clock in the morning. By having regular sleeping patterns it helped to lessen the frequency of sleep attacks, something I would do anything to achieve. 

 I decided to go for a jog around the neighbourhood, which would allow me the opportunity to once again familiarise myself to area and plan a route that I would each time I choose to job. Grabbing my water bottle from beside my now empty suitcase, I set out to find Gran. It took longer than necessary to find one some in this large house, but there she was, outside in the garden, sitting in a straight back wooden chair with her legs crossed and skirt fluttering in the wind. I smiled and pictured the scene of a garden magazine with the title, Grannies that Garden. In one hand she held a novel, the cover orange with a single line of text, a title that I couldn't read. 

As I approached, my movement must have caught her eye because she lowered the book and raised her eyebrows.

"You're finally back from the beach. Well? Are you in love with Beverly Hills already?" Her eyes, the same as my fathers, lit up with interest. I resisted the temptation to roll my eyes as I sat down on the matching chair beside her.

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