Chapter 6

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Copyright © 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 6

              Walking into her room later that night, Anna realized that she needed to talk to someone. Not Cassie she didn't want to talk to someone who was probably going to stand up for Brent. And talking to Brent that was out of the question, she'd probably yell at him, and then they'd end up in another fight, and Anna didn't want to fight anymore. The only person that left was Chrissie.

              Oh, how she missed her best friend. It'd been a little over a day since she'd seen her and Anna missed Chrissie like crazy. Anna grabbed the house phone off of her nightstand and then dialed her friend's phone number. The phone rang a couple of times before Chrissie finally answered.

              Chrissie's voice came on the other end of the line. "Who is this?" Chrissie asked.

             That's right Chrissie didn't know this phone number because it was Brent's house phone. "It's me Anna, Chrissie."

              The next time Chrissie spoke her voice sounded happy. "How is Montana? Tell me everything especially if it's about this Brent guy."

              "I already love Montana. It reminds me of home when my parent's accepted me in their family. Cassie, Brent's little sister is like the little sister I never had." Anna paused not knowing if she should tell Chrissie about Brent and their arguments. "And Brent well, he's a little distant and grumpy, but I'm sure we'll get along someday."

              Chrissie was confused from what Anna had told her in New York this guy was great, but know she was saying that he was distant and grumpy. "What do you mean you'll get along someday? Anna from what you told me in New York this guy is supposed to be great, amazing but now you're telling that he's distant and grumpy. What's going on there?"

              "I don't know we tend to butt heads a lot but I think that was we get to know each other a little better we'll start to get along," she paused. "Chrissie he is a great guy even though he's grumpy and distant. Everything here is great except for the fact that..."

              "That what?" Chrissie said insistently.

              Anna paused preparing to speak. "We fought... well not really fought, it was more like we kept finding reasons to yell at each other."

              Anna knew what was coming. Back in New York Chrissie told her that if this Brent guy was an ass then she was coming back to New York and they'd find another way for her to get out of the city.

              Chrissie sounded Angry not at Anna, but at Brent. "Anna I want you to come back to New York and now. What if this guy hurts you?"

              Anna loved Chrissie but sometimes she could be bossy. "Chrissie he's not that kind of a guy and I'm not coming back to New York unless it's for a visit."

              "But Anna as you said you don't know him, so you can't possibly know what kind of guy he is."

              Anna was sitting on the bed nut she shifted and moved around so that she could get more comfortable. This conversation wasn't going the way she thought that it would. "Chrissie I know enough about Brent to know that he would never hurt me."

             "Fine, but if you guys keep fighting I'm going to personally fly to Montana and bring you back with me. Okay?" Chrissie sounded a little defeated.

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