Chapter 20

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Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 20

            “I think it’s time for us to leave. The snow is going to be starting to come in pretty heavy. We might just want to pack up, and leave for home tonight. I mean we have plenty of fresh meat to last us all until next season.” One of the guys suggested.

            “You guys head on to the hotel. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. There is one elk that I want to try, and find.” Brent told them as he looked around for any signs of his elk.

            “No way, in a couple of hours you won’t be able to get out of here. It’s not safe to stay here any longer.” Another one of the guys told him.

            “I’ll be fine. You guys know that. I’ve been in way worse of situations than this one, and I’ve still come out unscathed.” Brent argued with them.

            All of the guys looked uncomfortable with Brent’s decision. Everyone, but Brent moved into a little group, and chatted about the situation. A few minutes later they broke apart looking defeated. They all knew that Brent was going to go anyways.

            “Fine, but if you are not back in three hours, we will be sending out a search party for you. I don’t care if in three hours you have the elk or not, you are to be back at the hotel. Don’t do anything stupid because if you do your dad will come up here and hide my ass for letting you Got it?” Barry said—he was Brent’s dads’ buddy.

            “I do. I’ll be back in three hours whether I have the elk or not.” Brent confirmed with them.

            “Now be careful, not stupid. I know you boy, I know you are capable of doing stupid shit… Just don’t.” Barry told him.

            Brent nodded, and watched as the guys all got in their trucks, and departed.

            He had three hours to get his prize, and get out. Which should be a pretty easy task. Now he just had to go back to where he lost the elk, and go from there.

            It took him about twenty minutes to find the spot, and then he used his tracking skill the rest of the way. About an hour and a half into his search he heard a rustle, and then saw the head of an elk pop up.

            It was his prize.

            As quickly as he could he moved towards the elk so he could get a better shot. He used a boulder to hide himself from view. To the left of the boulder there was a twenty foot cliff, and Brent made sure he was as far away from it as he could be.

            The elk bent his head down looking for food, and then raised it up again. That was when Brent took his shot.  He quickly adjusted his scope, and aimed for its neck. He pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the elk, but it wasn’t down for the count yet. He aimed again and this time the elk went down.

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