Chapter 24

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Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22
Chapter 24


            A little while later Anna and Cassie still sat in the waiting room, except now there were more people waiting with them.

            Cassie and Brent’s parents had arrived and were both emotional wrecks—like everyone else—waiting for news on their son’s condition.

            When they’d arrived Anna had ran up to them and just started crying.

            “We fought,” she whimpered, “and then he went on that trip and I just feel so awful. I’m so sorry.” She sobbed out, her throat quickly betraying her by closing so that she couldn’t talk anymore.

            Brent’s mother wrapped her arms around Anna and they cried together while Cassie was tucked in her father’s arms doing the same. It took a few minutes for them to stop crying and when everyone stepped away. Anna noticed that Bill had unshed tears in his eyes.

            That was a father’s love if she’d ever seen it. Only a man who loved his son would be able to stand there with tears in his eyes and not be embarrassed.

            Bill went over to Anna and gave her a bear hug. “It’s not your fault. My boy has the hardest head around. Nothing will get through his thick skull.”

            Anna laughed a little, but it hurt her heart so she stopped. “I just feel so bad, we fought and then he left. We didn’t even have a chance to make up.” Anna’s lips were trembling as she spoke and tried so hard not to cry. “And then I saw him on the ledge and…”

            Denise and Bill looked at her with a shocked expression on their faces. “You fought? What happened?” Denise asked, it was obvious that she was confused.

            Why would they fight they were so perfect together, and for each other.

            “Leslie showed up, and she kissed him. I lost it. I thought he was going back to Leslie.” Anna should have known when that Brent would never cheat on her especially not with Leslie after all she’d put him through.

            Bill frowned and Denise looked pissed. “I told him that that girl was no good for him, but he wouldn’t listen to me. I should have known she’d try to come back. I should have warned you, but I didn’t think about it.”

            “It’s okay Denise. Leslie confessed to everything and even apologized.” Denise looked shocked. “I know I was surprised too. I was going to talk to Brent about everything before he left, but I didn’t get the chance.”

            Denise frowned. “Well, you can’t help everyone. I’m glad that she at least apologized, but I still don’t like that girl.”

            Anna smiled at her. “I don’t either. After Leslie did what she did, Brent tried to make me hear him out, but I wouldn’t. I was so hurt, and I just couldn’t do it. I didn’t even get a chance to tell him I was sorry before he left. I love him so much…” Anna’s eyes began to well up again.

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