Chapter 13

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Copyright © 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 13

              Anna opened her eyes and looked around. Her vision was little blurry when she looked around, but she quickly came to realize that she was in her room. The only problem was that she had no clue what had happened. The last thing she remembered was being in the barn with Brent and Mav.

              A face came into Anna's view, and she recognized it immediately, it was Brent's mothers. Anna let out a groan. That's when it all came flooding back to her. The kiss. How she'd fainted after seeing his parents for the first time. God, she felt like a fool.

              "It's good to see those eyes of yours open, dear." His mother said. "You had us all worried when you fainted on my son. I think Brent was worried the most," she smiled to herself. "I think Brent was worried the most, he started barking orders at everyone immediately. He carried you to the house and put you in your bed..." She paused. 'I'll bet you that he's standing out in the hall pacing right this minute, worried about you."

              Anna put her palm on her forehead and began to sit up, and as she did so she let out another groan. "I'm so embarrassed," she shook her head. "I can't believe I fainted."

              "Now don't you be embarrassed, we were just worried about you, that's all."

              "But you saw me kissing," Anna blushed a crimson red color, "your son, and then I fainted. How can that not be embarrassing?"

              Brent's mother laughed a little. "There are things that are far more embarrassing, than meeting a man's mother after a...kiss, and then promptly fainting. After all when I met Brent's grandparents I tripped face first into a mud puddle," she sighed. "I was so mortified. I quickly stood up and wiped the mud off my hands, and then I shook his grandpa's hand and then I gave his grandma a hug." She let out a sigh and then a giggle. "I covered her in mud!"

              They both laughed a little at the story his mother had just told.

              "Thank you for making me feel a little better." Anna smiled a thank you smile at her. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name or what should I call you? I mean Brent's mentioned you guys, but always as his parents, or mom and dad."

              She patted Anna's leg. "Well, I'm Denise, and their father's name is William, but everyone calls him Bill. You can call me Denise, and him Bill, for now at least." Denise looked at Anna with a knowing look.

              The blush that Anna had been sporting just a minute before came back, but now not only was it on her face but it spread to her ears and neck. She couldn't believe that Denise had just been so open about that.

              "Oh, don't get embarrassed, dear. My son loves you; I just don't think he knows it yet." Denise gave her an appreciative look, "and if that blush is any indication you're starting to feel the same way, too."

              Anna began to shift uncomfortably on the bed, becoming extremely more uncomfortable as the time passed. She wasn't quite sure she liked talking with Brent's mother about their romantic relationship. Though, they hadn't gone farther than a few heated kisses, it just didn't feel or seem right.

              "I should probably stop before I get even more ahead of myself, shouldn't I?"

              "I think that would be good." Anna got up off the bed. "We should probably go downstairs now. I think they're probably a little anxious waiting to see if I'm okay, and I just want to assure them that I'm fine." Denise rose after Anna and then they left for the living room together.

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