Chapter 7

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Copyright © 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 7

              Sleeping had been virtually impossible. Brent had never lost a full night of sleep, not even when he'd broken off his engagement with Leslie, but that one kiss had kept running through his head all night making him unable to sleep.

              At six in the morning Brent drug his butt out of bed. With a loud yawn he walked to his master bathroom door. After he entered his bathroom he stripped down to his birthday suit. The hot water felt amazing as it pelted his body, relieving his tense muscles. Brent reluctantly stepped out of the shower when the water began to become cold.

              Wrapping a towel around his waist he quickly shaved and brushed his teeth. Brent exited his bathroom and crossed to his closet. He grabbed a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt to put on.

              After putting his boots on and grabbing his phone he exited his room to go down stairs for breakfast. The one thing that kept running through his head the whole time he was getting ready was that one mind blowing, earth shattering kiss. Brent knew one thing, he had to find a way to repeat that kiss, but first he had to see if Anna was willing to be with him.


              Anna was applying her makeup after he'd showered and dressed. She kept putting cover up on the bags under her eyes. After applying it twice and still seeing the purple she said, to hell with it. There was no use in trying to hide the fact that she hadn't gotten one minute of sleep, it was plain to see in the slow, sluggish movements she was making.

              She exited her room and turned to go down the stairs. It was a quarter before seven in the morning, so Cassie and Brent should be down stairs eating breakfast at the moment.

             Cassie was sitting at the small breakfast table when Anna entered the kitchen. There was cereal, milk, orange juice, and some fresh fruit sitting on the table.

              "I didn't feel like cooking or baking this morning so that's why we have cereal and fruit for breakfast." Cassie said as she took a sip of her coffee.

              "Cassie you know that if you ever need help around here just ask. I'd be more than happy to help," she paused. "Actually I should already be helping you around the house."

              "That would be great. I've missed having another female around to help out around here. I've been having to do it all since mom and dad retired to Wyoming."

              Anna sad down next to Cassie and grabbed a bowl. "How are they? I can't wait to meet them."

              Cassie passed Anna the cereal and milk. "They're doing well. I haven't heard form then in almost a week."

              "That's great. When do you think I'll be able to meet them?"

              Cassie messed with her coffee cup, spinning it around on the table slowly, so that she wouldn't spill any of her coffee. "Soon hopefully. Since its mid-October you should meet them in a little over a month when they come to visit for thanks giving." Cassie smiled at Anna. "You'll love mom, she's the sweetest person you'll ever meet, and dad well he's a lot like Brent, they tend to butt heads a lot."

               Anna poured some milk over her cereal. "They sound like really great people."

              As Anna took her first bite of cereal Brent walked into the kitchen. The mood of the room instantly became tense and awkward.

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