Chapter 11

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Copyright © 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 11

              The Broken String Tavern was a mass of people, everyone looking for a good time, a break from their day to day lives. It was the place where women gossiped about the available males, and men hung out with their buddies while drinking a couple beers, and getting a little rowdy.

              They were lucky and managed to find a table without a problem. "Do you want a beer, or to dance first?" Brent asked while Anna sat down.

             She'd warn the dress she'd gotten in town with a pair of brown leggings, and her boots. The perfect outfit if she did say so herself. Her hair was braided into a waterfall braid and the hair that wasn't part of the braid was curled loosely. Brent wore a nice pair of wranglers, and a cream colored shirt, which he'd, obviously had Cassie's help to pick it out because it matched her dress. He'd shinned his boots especially for their date, which Anna couldn't help but feel humbled by.

               She smiled up at him. "You pick, both are fine with me."

              Brent nodded his head and strolled over to the bar to get their beers. "Two Bud Lights, please," he called to the bartender.

              Before he knew it he had the beers and was headed back to their table. He caught sight of Anna from a few feet away, and he lost his breath. She was stunning sitting there in her dress, her foot tapping in beat with the music.

              Something about Anna had Brent wanting to take down all the walls he'd built up and show her his soft side, something he hadn't done since Leslie had shattered his heart.

              He walked back to the table and tried to calm his raging heart.


             When Anna had looked up from tapping her foot along to the beat of the music she'd found Brent looking at her with a look of appreciation and want. She couldn't understand why he'd look at her in such a way. She was just plain Anna with the same features every other female had.

              He came and sat the beers down and then he sat himself next to her.

              Anna took a sip of the beer he'd gotten for her and tried to get the way he'd been looking at her out of her head. Could she hope that he was beginning to feel more than usual friendship for her? Because God knows that she felt more than friendship for him, way more.

              The song changed and everyone began to dance a slow song. Anna gazed at the dance floor with longing. How she longed to have a man to hold her close while they danced to a romantic song, and know that he loved her and only her.

              Brent must have noticed the look on her face because the next thing she knew she was, dancing with him on the floor, wrapped up in his embrace, praying that he would never let her go. They fit so perfectly together, it was like they had been made for one another.

              Anna sighed her contempt, as she wound her arms around his neck and gently laid her head on his shoulder enjoying the moment. Brent began to twirl her around and Anna got lost in one of her little girl fantasies. Her prince was here and he was holding her and dancing with her, like she'd always dreamed.

              One look up into his eyes and she was a goner. Brent was looking down on her with a look of wonder and adoring.

             Call the press, Anna was losing her heart to this man.

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